A wrapper for the mailcow wep API with the most relevant functions.
Mailcow Api
A wrapper for the mailcow web API with the most relevant functions.
npm i mailcow-api
Basic Example
(async () => {
//get global variables
//import the api client module
const {
} = require("mailcow-api")
//create new mailcow api client with endpoint/baseurl and the api key
const mcc = new MailcowApiClient(process.env.MAILCOW_API_BASEURL, process.env.MAILCOW_API_KEY);
//get all domain on mailcow server
console.log(await mcc.getDomain());
What is dotenv?
The line "require('dotenv').config();" gets the contents of a file called ".env" in which you should store your global and secret variables.
1. Install the module "dotenv" with
npm i dotenv
2. Create a file named ".env" in your applications root directory
MAILCOW_API_BASEURL='https://mail.example.com' //no trailing slashes
3. Use your secret variables
Where to get the API key?
1. Open your mailcow UI and login as admin
1.1 Are you using two factor authentication for your admin account?
If not: Do it now! It's easy! For Android you can use the andOTP app. andOTP can be used for 2FA with many services and is way better then the Google Authenticator app.
2. Scroll to and expand the API section
3. Insert the IP you want to accesss the API from or disable the API check
4. Tick the checkbox "Activate API" and save the settings
5. Copy your API key from the field above
Need help or missing a feature?
Feel free to contact me via [email protected] in english or german
Mailcow API Documentation
- mailcow-api
- .MailcowApiClient
- new module.exports.MailcowApiClient(baseurl, apikey)
- .getDomain([domain]) ⇒ Array
- .addDomain(domain) ⇒ Boolean
- .editDomain(domains, attributes) ⇒ Boolean
- .deleteDomain(domain) ⇒ Boolean
- .addDKIM(dkim) ⇒ Boolean
- .getDKIM(domain) ⇒ Object
- .deleteDKIM(domain) ⇒ Boolean
- .addAndGetDKIM(dkim) ⇒ Object
- .addDomainAdmin(domainAdmin) ⇒ Object
- .addMailbox(mailbox) ⇒ Object
- .deleteMailbox(mailboxes) ⇒ Boolean
- .addAlias(address, goto) ⇒ Boolean
- .updateMailboxes(mailboxes) ⇒ Array.<MailboxAnswer>
- .getMailboxes(id) ⇒ Array.<Mailbox>
- .MailcowApiClient
Class representing the Mailcow API client
Kind: static class of mailcow-api
- .MailcowApiClient
- new module.exports.MailcowApiClient(baseurl, apikey)
- .getDomain([domain]) ⇒ Array
- .addDomain(domain) ⇒ Boolean
- .editDomain(domains, attributes) ⇒ Boolean
- .deleteDomain(domain) ⇒ Boolean
- .addDKIM(dkim) ⇒ Boolean
- .getDKIM(domain) ⇒ Object
- .deleteDKIM(domain) ⇒ Boolean
- .addAndGetDKIM(dkim) ⇒ Object
- .addDomainAdmin(domainAdmin) ⇒ Object
- .addMailbox(mailbox) ⇒ Object
- .deleteMailbox(mailboxes) ⇒ Boolean
- .addAlias(address, goto) ⇒ Boolean
- .updateMailboxes(mailboxes) ⇒ Array.<MailboxAnswer>
- .getMailboxes(id) ⇒ Array.<Mailbox>
new module.exports.MailcowApiClient(baseurl, apikey)
Create a Mailcow API client.
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | baseurl | string | The base url where the api can be found | | apikey | string | The api key for the mailcow api endpoint |
(async () => {
//get global variables
//import the api client module
const {
} = require("mailcow-api")
//create new mailcow api client with endpoint/baseurl and the api key
const mcc = new MailcowApiClient(process.env.MAILCOW_API_BASEURL, process.env.MAILCOW_API_KEY);
//get all domain on mailcow server
console.log(await mcc.getDomain());
mailcowApiClient.getDomain([domain]) ⇒ Array
Gets a specific domain or all domains
Kind: instance method of MailcowApiClient
Returns: Array - Array of domains
| Param | Type | Default | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [domain] | String | 'all' | The domain you want to get |
await mcc.getDomain()
mailcowApiClient.addDomain(domain) ⇒ Boolean
Adds a domain to the server
Kind: instance method of MailcowApiClient
Returns: Boolean - True on success
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | domain | String | Domain | The domain you want to add |
await mcc.addDomain({
domain: "example.com",
mailcowApiClient.editDomain(domains, attributes) ⇒ Boolean
Edits one or more domains on the server. Applies the attributes to all domains provided.
Kind: instance method of MailcowApiClient
Returns: Boolean - True on success
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | domains | Array | String | The domains you want to edit | | attributes | Object | Attributes to change for all domains provided domains |
await mcc.editDomain(["example.com"], {
aliases: 399
//This will set the aliases of example.com to 399
mailcowApiClient.deleteDomain(domain) ⇒ Boolean
Removes a domain from the server
Kind: instance method of MailcowApiClient
Returns: Boolean - True on success
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | domain | String | Array | The domain/domains you want to delete |
await mcc.deleteDomain("example.com")
mailcowApiClient.addDKIM(dkim) ⇒ Boolean
Generates a DKIM domain key for a domain
Kind: instance method of MailcowApiClient
Returns: Boolean - True on success
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | dkim | String | DKIM | A DKIM object or string |
await mcc.addDKIM({
domain: "example.com",
//This will generate a DKIM key for example.com on the mailcow server
mailcowApiClient.getDKIM(domain) ⇒ Object
Gets the DKIM key for a domain on the mailcow server
Kind: instance method of MailcowApiClient
Returns: Object - The DKIM public key and other parameters
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | domain | String | the domain name you want to get the key for |
await mcc.getDKIM('example.com')
//This will get the DKIM key for the domain example.com from the mailcow server
mailcowApiClient.deleteDKIM(domain) ⇒ Boolean
Deletes the DKIM key for a domain on the mailcow server
Kind: instance method of MailcowApiClient
Returns: Boolean - true on success
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | domain | Array | the domain name/names you want to delete the key for |
await mcc.deleteDKIM('example.com')
//This will delete the DKIM key for the domain example.com from the mailcow server
mailcowApiClient.addAndGetDKIM(dkim) ⇒ Object
Generates a DKIM domain key for a domain and returns it
Kind: instance method of MailcowApiClient
Returns: Object - DKIM key on success
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | dkim | String | DKIM | A DKIM object or string |
await mcc.addAndGetDKIM({
domain: "example.com",
//This will generate a DKIM key for example.com on the mailcow server and return it
mailcowApiClient.addDomainAdmin(domainAdmin) ⇒ Object
Adds a domain admin to the mailcow server
Kind: instance method of MailcowApiClient
Returns: Object - containing password username and domains on successfull creation
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | domainAdmin | DomainAdmin | a domain admin object that has to contain at least the domains the admin should be able to control |
await mcc.addDomainAdmin({
domains: ['example.com', 'example.org']
//This will add an admin for the domains example.com and example.org and return their credentials
mailcowApiClient.addMailbox(mailbox) ⇒ Object
Adds a mailbox for a domain to the mailcow server
Kind: instance method of MailcowApiClient
Returns: Object - the created mailbox
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | mailbox | Mailbox | a Mailbox object that has to contain at least the domain for which the mailbox shall be created |
await mcc.addMailbox({
domain: 'example.com',
name: 'Example'
//This will add a mailbox for the domain example.com and return it
mailcowApiClient.deleteMailbox(mailboxes) ⇒ Boolean
Deletes a mailbox
Kind: instance method of MailcowApiClient
Returns: Boolean - true on success
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | mailboxes | String | Array | complete name of the mailbox/mailboxes |
await mcc.deleteMailbox("[email protected]")
//This will delete the mailbox [email protected]
mailcowApiClient.addAlias(address, goto) ⇒ Boolean
Adds an alias for a mailbox
Kind: instance method of MailcowApiClient
Returns: Boolean - true on success
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | address | String | alias address, for catchall use "@domain.tld" | | goto | String | destination address, comma separated |
await mcc.addAlias("@test.tld","[email protected]")
//This will catch all mail for the domain test.tld and put it in the mailbox [email protected]
mailcowApiClient.updateMailboxes(mailboxes) ⇒ Array.<MailboxAnswer>
Updates Mailboxes See the data structure here: https://demo.mailcow.email/api/#/Mailboxes/Update%20mailbox
Kind: instance method of MailcowApiClient
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | mailboxes | Array.<Mailbox> | mailboxes |
await mcc.updateMailboxes({
"attr": {
"active": "1",
"force_pw_update": "0",
"name": "Full name",
"password": "",
"password2": "",
"quota": "3072",
"sender_acl": [
"[email protected]",
"sogo_access": "1"
"items": [
"[email protected]"
mailcowApiClient.getMailboxes(id) ⇒ Array.<Mailbox>
Gets Mailboxes
Kind: instance method of MailcowApiClient
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | id | "all" | "[email protected]" | "all" or "[email protected]" |
const answer=await getMailboxes("all");
answer will be: [
"active": "1",
"attributes": {
"force_pw_update": "0",
"mailbox_format": "maildir:",
"quarantine_notification": "never",
"sogo_access": "1",
"tls_enforce_in": "0",
"tls_enforce_out": "0"
"domain": "doman3.tld",
"is_relayed": 0,
"local_part": "info",
"max_new_quota": 10737418240,
"messages": 0,
"name": "Full name",
"percent_class": "success",
"percent_in_use": 0,
"quota": 3221225472,
"quota_used": 0,
"rl": false,
"spam_aliases": 0,
"username": "[email protected]"
Domain : Object
For all options check out https://demo.mailcow.email/api/
Kind: global typedef
| Name | Type | Default | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | domain | String | | Name of the domain to add | | [active] | Number | 1 | Whether the domain should be active or not | | [aliases] | Number | 400 | Number of aliases allowed | | [defquota] | Number | 3072 | | | [mailboxes] | Number | 10 | | | [maxquota] | Number | 10240 | | | [quota] | Number | 10240 | |
active: 1,
domain: "example.com",
aliases: 400, // responding "object is not numeric" if missing is this a BUG? should be "aliases missing" if cant be omited anyway
backupmx: 0,
defquota: 3072,
description: "Hello!",
lang: "en",
mailboxes: 10,
maxquota: 10240,
quota: 10240,
relay_all_recipients: 0,
rl_frame: "s",
rl_value: 10
DKIM : Object
Object representing a DKIM Key
Kind: global typedef
| Name | Type | Default | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | domain | String | | The domain which a key should be generated for | | [dkim_selector] | String | 'dkim' | The dkim selector | | [key_size] | 2048 | 1024 | 2048 | The size of the key |
"domain": "example.com",
"dkim_selector": "dkim",
"key_size": 2048
DomainAdmin : Object
Object representing a domain admin
Kind: global typedef
| Name | Type | Default | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | domains | Array | String | | The domains/domain this admin should be able to access | | [username] | String | RANDOM | | | [password] | String | RANDOM | | | [active] | 0 | 1 | 1 | |
"active": 1,
"domains": "example.com",
"password": "supersecurepw",
"username": "testadmin"
Mailbox : Object
Object representing a mailbox
Kind: global typedef
| Name | Type | Default | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | domain | String | | domain for wich the mailbox shall be created | | [local_part] | String | "mail" | the local part of the mail address before the @ | | [name] | String | "John Doe" | full name of the user | | [password] | String | RANDOM | password for the user. if omitted one will be generated | | [quota] | Number | 3072 | maximum size of the mailbox | | [active] | 0 | 1 | 1 | whether the mailbox is active or not |
"domain": "example.com",
"local_part": "john.doe",
"name": "John Doe",
"password": "paulIstToll",
"quota": 3072,
"active": 1