Pega front-end commitlint plugin.
Pegasystems front-end Commitlint plugin.
Allows scope to be restricted to a certain set of options, with custom separator and whitespace trimming support.
Setting enable to 'never'
instead disallows the provided scopes.
interface Config {
/** @default [] */
scopes?: string[];
/** @default /\\|\/|,/ */
separator?: string | RegExp;
/** @default false */
trim?: boolean;
Requires the header to contain a reference ID.
Setting enable to 'never'
instead disallows reference IDs in the header.
Allows reference actions to be restricted to a certain set of options.
Setting enable to 'never'
instead disallows to provided actions.
interface Config {
/** @default ['close', 'closes', 'closed', 'fix', 'fixes', 'fixed', 'resolve', 'resolves', 'resolved'] */
actions?: string[];
/** @default false */
caseSensitive?: boolean;
Enforces that references in each group appear in either ascending or descending order.
Setting enable to 'never'
will cause the rule to always pass.
interface Config {
/** @default ['#'] */
prefixes?: string[];
/** @default true */
ascending?: boolean;
Runs CSpell on the commit message, ignoring comment lines.
Setting enable to 'never'
will cause the rule to always pass.