Incredibly simple and extensible in-memory sync/async cache with optional persistence and eviction
Incredibly simple and extensible in-memory sync/async cache with optional persistence and eviction
npm install --save @pedromsilva/data-cache
Note: Using async-await syntax for simplicity. Not that async-await code must be run inside an async function
import { MemoryCache } from '@pedromsilva/data-cache';
const cache = new MemoryCache( 'cache.jsonl' );
// All the methods below have matching synchronous version with a 'Sync' suffix, such as getSync(), loadSync() etc...
// You can choose to use either the async or sync versions of the methods, however
// it is not recommended to mix the two: choose one style and stick with it.
await cache.load();
const has = await cache.has( 'key' );
await cache.set( 'key', 'value' );
const value = await cache.get( 'key' );
await cache.delete( 'key' );
await cache.save();
// There is a shortcut for retrieving an item if it exists, or calculating and storing it if it doesn't
const remoteValue = await cache.compute( 'key', async () => {
return await fetchValueFromSomeRemoteApi();
} );
// You can iterate over the cache items
for ( let [ key, value ] of cache ) { }
for ( let key of cache.keys() ) { }
for ( let value of cache.values() ) { }
// To fully dispose of a cache, you can close it (releasing any resources it might be holding)
By default, this package comes with a TtlEvictor that allows to automatically remove elements from the cache if they are too old.
import { MemoryCache, TtlEvictor } from '@pedromsilva/data-cache';
// Items in the cache live for one minute.
const cache = new MemoryCache( 'cache.jsonl', new TtlEvictor( { ttl: 60 * 1000 } ) );
// Or use the shorter version
import { TtlMemoryCache } from '@pedromsilva/data-cache';
const cache = new TtlMemoryCache( 'cache.jsonl', 60 * 1000 );
export interface ReadCacheOptions<E> {
readCache ?: boolean;
readExpiry ?: E;
export interface WriteCacheOptions<E, S> {
writeCache ?: boolean;
writeExpiry ?: E;
writeState ?: S;
export interface CacheOptions<E, S> extends ReadCacheOptions<E>, WriteCacheOptions<E, S> { }
export interface Cache<T, E = void, S = void> {
// Responsible for evicting unused/old records from the cache
evictor : Evictor<T, E, S>;
// The persistence layer for the cache records
storage : CacheStorage<T, E, S>;
// Does this cache have unsaved changes?
readonly dirty : boolean;
// Is the data in memory up-to-date?
readonly stale : boolean;
saveOnWrite : boolean;
saveOnWriteDebounce : number;
saveSync () : void;
save () : Promise<void>;
saveIfDirtySync () : boolean;
saveIfDirty () : Promise<boolean>;
loadSync () : void;
load () : Promise<void>;
loadIfStaleSync () : boolean;
loadIfStale () : Promise<boolean>;
hasSync ( key : string, options ?: ReadCacheOptions<E> ) : boolean;
has ( key : string, options ?: ReadCacheOptions<E> ) : Promise<boolean>;
getSync ( key : string, options ?: ReadCacheOptions<E> ) : T;
get ( key : string, options ?: ReadCacheOptions<E> ) : Promise<T>;
setSync ( key : string, value : T, options ?: WriteCacheOptions<E, S> ) : void;
set ( key : string, value : T, options ?: WriteCacheOptions<E, S> ) : Promise<void>;
deleteSync ( key : string ) : boolean;
delete ( key : string ) : Promise<boolean>;
compute<V extends T = T> ( key : string, producer : () => V | Promise<V>, options ?: CacheOptions<E, S> ) : Promise<V>;
computeSync<V extends T = T> ( key : string, producer : () => V, options ?: CacheOptions<E, S> ) : V;
keys ( options ?: ReadCacheOptions<E> ) : IterableIterator<string>;
values ( options ?: ReadCacheOptions<E> ) : IterableIterator<T>;
entries ( options ?: ReadCacheOptions<E> ) : IterableIterator<[string, T]>;
[ Symbol.iterator ] () : IterableIterator<[string, T]>;
close () : void;