PDFSlick — view and interact with PDF documents in your React and SolidJS apps.
PDFSlick is a library which enables viewing of and interaction with PDF documents in React and SolidJS apps. It's build on top of Mozilla's PDF.js, and utilises Zustand to provide a reactive store for the loaded documents.
Core Concepts
The core of PDFSlick is within the @pdfslick/core
package. It wraps PDF.js
's functionality and links it to the store. This @pdfslick/core
package is the basis for the React and SolidJS packages, which additionally transform the store and make it suitable for the adequate library, as well as providing components for the PDF viewer and thumbnails.
Depending on your needs, at this you might find it useful to continue with learning more about using PDFSlick with React and SolidJS respsectivelly. However, if really interested you can learn more about using PDFSlick's @pdfslick/core
package with Vanilla JS apps and with libraries other than React and SolidJS in the sections below.
PDFSlick for React
To get started with React run:
npm install @pdfslick/react
# yarn add @pdfslick/react
# pnpm add @pdfslick/react
You can start using PDFSlick with the usePDFSlick()
hook, like with the following basic example:
import { usePDFSlick } from "@pdfslick/react";
import PDFNavigation from "./yourcomponents/PDFNavigation";
// It is required to include PDFSlick's CSS styles once
// you can do it in your main `App.tsx` for example
import "@pdfslick/react/dist/pdf_viewer.css";
type PDFViewerComponentProps = {
pdfFilePath: string,
const PDFViewerComponent = ({ pdfFilePath }: PDFViewerComponent) => {
const { viewerRef, usePDFSlickStore, PDFSlickViewer } = usePDFSlick(
scaleValue: "page-fit",
Access the store with `usePDFSlickStore()` hook — you can pass is
as a prop to other components (like with `<PDFNavigation />` below)
Toolbars, Sidebars, components which render thumbnails etc.
and use it as here to get and react on
PDF document's and viewer's properties and changes
const scale = usePDFSlickStore((s) => s.scale);
const numPages = usePDFSlickStore((s) => s.numPages);
const pageNumber = usePDFSlickStore((s) => s.pageNumber);
return (
<div className="absolute inset-0 pdfSlick">
<div className="relative h-full">
<PDFSlickViewer {...{ viewerRef, usePDFSlickStore }} />
Pass PDFSlick's store to your custom components
<PDFNavigation {...{ usePDFSlickStore }} />
PDFSlick's store values automatically update
<div className="absolute w-full top-0 left-0">
<p>Current scale: {scale}</p>
<p>Current page number: {pageNumber}</p>
<p>Total number of pages: {numPages}</p>
export default PDFViewerComponent;
Provided with the PDF Document path and PDFSlick options object, the usePDFSlick()
hook returns an object consisting (among the other things) of:
is the PDF Viewer component used for viewing the PDF documentviewerRef
is theref
callback that is provided as a prop to the<PDFSlickViewer />
enables using PDFSlick store within your React components
More on using PDFSlick with React | Checkout the React Examples
PDFSlick for SolidJS
To get started with PDFSlick for SolidJS run:
npm install @pdfslick/solid
# yarn add @pdfslick/solid
# pnpm add @pdfslick/solid
You can start using PDFSlick with the usePDFSlick()
hook, like with the following basic example:
import { Component, createSignal } from "solid-js";
import { usePDFSlick } from "@pdfslick/solid";
import PDFNavigation from "./yourcomponents/PDFNavigation";
// It is required to include PDFSlick's CSS styles once
// you can do it in your main `App.tsx` for example
import "@pdfslick/solid/dist/pdf_viewer.css";
type PDFViewerComponentProps = {
pdfFilePath: string,
const PDFViewerComponent: Component<PDFViewerComponentProps> = ({
}) => {
const {
pdfSlickStore: store,
} = usePDFSlick(pdfFilePath);
return (
<div class="absolute inset-0 flex flex-col pdfSlick">
<div class="flex-1 relative h-full">
<PDFSlickViewer {...{ store, viewerRef }} />
Pass PDFSlick's store to your custom components (like the `<PDFNavigation />` below) —
Toolbars, Sidebars, components which render thumbnails etc.
and use it as here to get and react on
PDF document and viewer properties and changes
<PDFNavigation {...{ store }} />
PDFSlick's store values automatically update
<div className="absolute w-full top-0 left-0">
<p>Current scale: {store.scale}</p>
<p>Current page number: {store.pageNumber}</p>
<p>Total number of pages: {store.numPages}</p>
export default PDFViewerComponent;
Provided with the PDF Document path and options object, the usePDFSlick()
hook returns an object consisting (among the other things) of:
is the PDF Viewer component used for viewing the PDF documentviewerRef
is theref
callback that is provided as a prop to the<PDFSlickViewer />
is the PDFSlick store
More on using PDFSlick with Solid | Checkout the SolidJS Examples
Learn more about PDFSlick | Checkout the Examples
- Vane Kosturanov for designing the logo
- VS Code Icons for the icons used throughout the examples