ACME Client for obtaining SSL Certificates from Let's Encrypt.
An ACME client for automatically managing accounts and ssl certificates with Let's Encrypt certificate authority.
Requires node 10.x.x for updated crypto library.
npm install -g @pclabs/certificator
certificator --help
Certificator can be configured using the --plugin
or --config
option flags.
Use the --plugin
flag if you require external dependencies to properly handle event callbacks. Plugins need to be packages that can be fetched and installed by Certificator.
--plugin @payclearly/[email protected]
Alternatively, use the --config
flag to provide an absolute path JavaScript file that exports a config object.
By default the current working directory is set to the root of this project. This can be changed using the --cwd
--config ./config.js
module.exports = (options) => {
return {
plugin: options.plugin,
config: options.config,
environment: options.dryRun ? 'test' : 'production',
packageAgent: `${package.name}/${package.version}`,
domains: options.domain || [],
maintainerEmail: options.maintainer,
subscriberEmail: options.subscriber,
accountId: options.accountId,
accountDetails: options.accountDetails,
cwd: options.cwd,
subject: options.subject,
privateKey: options.privateKey,
csr: options.csr,
setChallenge: ({ challenge }) => Promise.resolve(),
getChallenge: ({ challenge }) => Promise.resolve(),
removeChallenge: ({ challenge }) => Promise.resolve(),
accountCreated: (account, accountKey) => Promise.resolve(),
certificateCreated: (certificate) => Promise.resolve(),
fetchServerPrivateKey: () => Promise.resolve(),
fetchAccountDetails: () => Promise.resolve()
| Parameter | Description |
| ----------------------| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| accountDetails | an object containing the Let's Encrypt Account ID as "kid" (misnomer, not actually a key id/thumbprint) |
| | and an RSA or EC public/private keypair in JWK format. |
| accountId | a unique 8 digit id assigned by Let's Encrypt |
| accountKey | |
| certificate | |
| environment | sets Let's Encrypt Directory URL. https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory by default |
| subject | the domain of the DNS being challenged |
| domains | domain(s) that are listed in the CSR and will be listed on the certificate |
| maintainerEmail | should be a contact for the author of the code to receive critical bug and security notices |
| subscriberEmail | should be a contact for the service provider to receive renewal failure notices and manage the ACME account |
| challenge | object containing the challenge url and token |
| packageAgent | an RFC72321-style user-agent string to append to the ACME client (ex: mypackage/v1.1.1) |
| plugin | published npm package name to be install and used. |
| | Certificator needs permission to clone and install. |
| config | realtive path to a config.js file. |
| cwd | realtive path to install and load files from. default to process.cwd() |
| privateKey | realtive path to a JSON file containing the server's private key. Used to sign the CSR. |
| not used if a valid CSR is provided |
| csr | realtive path to csr JSON file |
Event Callbacks
| callback | Description |
| --------------------------| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| setChallenge (required) | Should make the token url return the key authorization. |
| | i.e. GET http://example.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/xxxx => xxxx.yyyy |
| removeChallenge (required)| remove the previously set token file (just the one) |
| getChallenge (required) | confirm the record was set. get the token file via the hosting service API |
| certificateCreated | called when certificator has received a signed certificate from Let's Encrypt CA. |
| accountCreated | called when a new account has been created with Let's Encrypt |
| fetchServerPrivateKey | called when creating a new certificate. The server private key is used to sign the CSR |
| fetchAccountDetails | callback to fetch Certificator account Details |
npm run tests
##Legal This client implementation was built with ACME.js (a Root project).