Safely get a dot-notated property within an object.
Fork notice
This fork is a TypeScript implementation of dlv.
dlv(obj, keypath)
Safely get a dot-notated path within a nested object, with ability to return a default if the full key path does not exist or the value is "undefined".
Supports ES Modules, CommonJS and globals.
pnpm i @paxperscientiam/dlv.ts
or ...
npm i @paxperscientiam/dlv.ts
or ...
yarn add @paxperscientiam/dlv.ts
Available as dlvTs
from dist/dlv.umd.js
uses a default export.
export default function dlv<T, K extends Extract<keyof T, string>>(obj: T,
key: K|K[],
def?: any,
p: number = 0): any {
const accessor = (key as string).split ? (key as string).split(".") : (key as string[])
while (obj && p < accessor.length) {
obj = obj[accessor[p++]]
return (obj === undefined || p < accessor.length) ? def : obj
delve(object, keypath, [default])
import delve from '@paxperscientiam/dlv.ts';
let obj = {
a: {
b: {
c: 1,
d: undefined,
e: null
//use string dot notation for keys
delve(obj, 'a.b.c') === 1;
//or use an array key
delve(obj, ['a', 'b', 'c']) === 1;
delve(obj, 'a.b') === obj.a.b;
//returns undefined if the full key path does not exist and no default is specified
delve(obj, 'a.b.c.f') === undefined;
//optional third parameter for default if the full key in path is missing
delve(obj, 'a.b.c.f', 'foo') === 'foo';
//or if the key exists but the value is undefined
delve(obj, 'a.b.c.d', 'foo') === 'foo';
//Non-truthy defined values are still returned if they exist at the full keypath
delve(obj, 'a.b.c.e', 'foo') === null;
//undefined obj or key returns undefined, unless a default is supplied
delve(undefined, 'a.b.c') === undefined;
delve(undefined, 'a.b.c', 'foo') === 'foo';
delve(obj, undefined, 'foo') === 'foo';
Setter Counterparts
- dset by @lukeed is the spiritual "set" counterpart of
and very fast. - bury by @kalmbach does the opposite of
and is implemented in a very similar manner.