ngx-translate parser that supports pluralization and select (a la Angular's i18n module)
Template parser for ngx-translate
Just yarn install ngx-translate-parser-plural-select
and use when
adding ngx-translate
to the imports
section in your @NgModule
imports: [
parser: {
provide: TranslateParser,
useClass: TranslateICUParser
Now you can use plural
and select
in your translations.
"HERO": "The hero is {gender, select, m {male} f {female}}",
"WOLVES": "The hero saw {wolves, plural, =0 {no wolf} =1 {a wolf} =2 {two wolves} other {a pack of wolves}}",
"CROWS": "You could see {crows.length, plural, =1 {a crow} few {a few crows} many {a murder of crows}}"
And even more complex usages:
"COMPLEX": "{count, plural, =0 { nadie } =1 {{gender, select, m {un hombre} f {una mujer}}} other {{{heroes.length}} {gender, select, m {hombres} f {mujeres}}}}"
Plural supports (first rule matching the value will be applied):
— matches exact value (e.g.=0
... — matches values ending in 0, 1, 2, ... that are not between 10 and 19 (inclusive)few
— matches 2, 3, and 4many
— matches any value greater than 4 and any non-integer valueother
— matches any value
Custom pipes [v1.1+
If you want to define your own pipes to use as {variable, *pipe_name*, *pipe_options*}
, you can use a factory to
create the TranslateICUCustomParser
, the class taking a parameter consisting of a dictionary of custom pipes.
imports: [
parser: {
provide: TranslateParser,
useFactory: createParserFactory
const CUSTOM_PIPES = {
'?': (value: any, parameters: string[], options: string[]) => {
parameters = parameters.map(option => option.trim()).slice(0, parameters.length - 1);
const mapper: {[option: string]: string} = parameters.reduce((map, parameter, index) => ({...map, [parameter.trim()]: options[index]}), {});
console.dir({value, parameters, options, mapper}, {depth: 10});
return mapper[value] == null ? mapper[''] : mapper[':'];
export function createParserFactory() {
return new TranslateICUCustomParser(CUSTOM_PIPES);
This allows you to use the ?
Hello, {name, ?, {{name}} : {stranger}}!
Pipe function parameters
The parameters given to the pipe function are:
- the value of the variable the pipe is being applied on
- an array of the strings between the options
- an array of the options,
where the application of the pipe is on a string of the format {value, pipe_name, parameter0 {option0} parameter1 {option1} ... parameterN {optionN} parameterN+1}
During the parsing of the string 'Hello, {name, myPipe, J {Johnny} K {Kenny} L {Lenny} M {Maurice}}'
the pipe defined in the dictionary passed to the TranslateICUParser
class constructor under the myPipe
will be called with parameters:
- the value of the
property of the object passed to thengx-translate
function/directive [' J ', ' K ', ' L ', ' M ', '']
['Johnny', 'Kenny', 'Lenny', 'Maurice']