Typings and interface definitions for a manager of a list of proxies.
Typings and interface definitions for a manager of a list of proxies.
import path from "path";
import ProxyHandler from "@pavlovcik/proxy-handler";
const handler = new ProxyHandler({
location: path.join(process.cwd(), `test`, `successes.json`), // Filepath allows it to persist.
// Can also use variable ( i.e. an array [] ) which can only stay in RAM, and of course, is temporary.
persist: true // Write to disk
console.log(handler.storage.proxies); // Shows the list of proxies in the handler
console.log(handler.storage.proxies.flattened()); // Handy flatten function to return only the proxies.
Building a botnet is no joke. In the parent application, the software must be able to aggregate free proxies from various sources; then test each proxy's performance; then finally make good use of the functional proxies.
This object acts as a way to more easily manage the large lists of acquired proxies, along with all of their respective and deeply nested metadata.
Interfaces to be aware of
A single proxy is represented as follows:
interface IProxy {
id: IParsedURL;
details: any;
origin?: string;
performance?: IPerformance;
is actually URLParse
from url-parse
interface URLParse {
readonly auth: string;
readonly hash: string;
readonly host: string;
readonly hostname: string;
readonly href: string;
readonly origin: string;
readonly password: string;
readonly pathname: string;
readonly port: string;
readonly protocol: string;
readonly query: { [key: string]: string | undefined };
readonly slashes: boolean;
readonly username: string;
set(part: URLParse.URLPart, value: string | object | number | undefined, fn?: boolean | URLParse.QueryParser): URLParse;
toString(stringify?: URLParse.StringifyQuery): string;
See an example proxy list structure here.