A pattern for adding items to a cart, and performing an action on them
Add a value to a "shopping cart" and process this "shopping cart".
This can be used to implement a bulk download feature e.g.
<a class="pat-shopping-cart" data-pat-shopping-cart="id: 0d599f0ec05c3bda8c3b8a68c32a1b47">
Add this item for download
When an item is added to the cart, the element is given the .in-cart css class.
A .pat-shopping-cart element is also used for processing the cart. A list of the id values is submitted to the action URL using the POST method as a comma separated string.
<a class="pat-shopping-cart" data-pat-shopping-cart="action: /download-as-zip">
Download the items
The shopping cart action element gets the .has-items css class when there are items in the cart, and .is-empty otherwise.
To add a button to empty the cart use "action: empty":
<a class="pat-shopping-cart" data-pat-shopping-cart="action: empty">
Empty your shopping cart
To use an action without clearing the cart use "contents: keep":
<a class="pat-shopping-cart" data-pat-shopping-cart="action: delete-confirmation; contents: keep">
Delete the selected items
You can pass on other patterns to the action "patterns: pat-modal":
<a class="pat-shopping-cart" data-pat-shopping-cart="action: delete-confirmation; patterns: pat-modal">
Delete the selected items
You can configure patterns passed on to the action by prepending data-pat-shopping-cart to the pattern:
<a class="pat-shopping-cart" data-pat-shopping-cart="action: delete-confirmation; patterns: pat-inject" data-pat-shopping-cart-inject="source: #main-content; target: #footer">
Delete the selected items