Core Patter SCSS UI Kit
Core SCSS UI Kit & JS Lib
Written for Wordpress 5.9+ themes by Patter Agency, but can be used anywhere
Combination between Bootstrap class names and native wordpress classnames
Update version
in package.json
$ npm run publish-package
Styles Usage
Add the following line into you main SCSS import
@use '@patter/patter-core-styles/scss/main';
If NO wordpress is going to be used:
@use '@patter/patter-core-styles/scss/independent-styles-setup';
If using animations:
@use '@patter/patter-core-styles/scss/aos-animations';
If using wordpress:
@use '@patter/patter-core-styles/scss/wordpress-public';
@use '@patter/patter-core-styles/scss/wordpress-admin';
Mixins, Breakpoints, & Functions
Useful for child wordpress themes already relying on a larger library
Add the following line into you main SCSS import
@use '@patter/patter-core-styles/scss/helpers';
JS Usage
Add the following line into you main public import
import '@patter/patter-core-styles/js/public.js';
Add the following line into you main admin import
import '@patter/patter-core-styles/js/admin.js';
Navigation Styles
Migration v1.1.x/1.2.x > v.1.3.x
import '@patter/patter-core-styles/js/admin';
becomes import '@patter/patter-core-styles/js/block-editor';
import { X } from "@patter/patter-core-styles/js/public/_utils";
becomes import { DOMReady } from "@patter/patter-core-styles/js-utils";
@use '@patter/patter-core-styles/scss/abstracts' as *;
becomes @use '@patter/patter-core-styles/scss/breakpoints' as *;
becomes .scrolled-past-header
, .scrolled
is now added as soon as the user has scrolled