Mirror a branch to many branches for GitHub PR isolation.
Command-line utility to mirror a single, local branch containing changes to many different projects into many separate commits / branches that can be landed independently. Useful for large monorepos with strict CI isolation requirements.
# Setup Erised.
npm install -g @patrickhulce/erised
export ERISED_GITHUB_TOKEN=<get a personal token from GitHub>
# Start a commit affecting multiple subprojects in a monorepo.
touch apps/app-a/server.js
touch apps/app-b/server.js
git checkout -b my_feature_branch
git add apps/app-a apps/app-b
git commit -m 'fix: eliminates a critical memory leak'
# Use erised to split the branch into many isolated branches automatically.
erised mirror
# Upload those branches as PRs to GitHub.
erised upload
# Need to make a change? Just edit your original branch and run mirror again.
touch apps/app-b/server.js
git add apps/app-b/server.js
git commit -m 'oops a bug!'
erised mirror
# Check in on the status of PRs and update.
erised status
erised upload
npm i # Install deps.
npm test # Run test scripts.
npm run build:watch # Continuously build the source files into the binary.
npm start -- mirror # Run erised with your commands.
- cleanup command
- delete/cleanup branches
- merge command
- automatically merge the PRs that can be merged
- idempotent mirror (create a staging branch and only rename if there's a diff)
flag to handle all erised-managed branches at once