Role Based Access Contorl for ExpressJS
Express RBAC
Role Based Access Control for Express
This module provides a RBAC Express middleware for access-control to routes based on @parthar/rbac module.
Assumes a passport like interface is used for authentication, and express-session like sessions:
- req.isAuthenticated() - function to validate user-authentication status
- req.user - user-details JSON-object populated on request
- user.roles - list/array of roles assigned to user (if any)
- user.perms - list/array of additional permissions assigned to user (if any)
- req.session - optional user-sesssion populated on request (if available)
The user-session (if available) is used to cache the expanded list of permissions for efficiency/optimization purposes; an "_rbacPerms" key is created on the req.session for this purpose. In this case, the user will have to logout and login again for the updated roles/permissions to reflect.
const express = require("express");
const expressRBAC = require("@parthar/express-rbac");
var app = express();
// use store-instance from @parthar/rbac
var rbac = expressRBAC(store);
// middleware to check update-access to user-profile
app.put("/user/profile", rbac("profile", "update"), function (req, res, next) {
db.updateUserProfile(req.body, function (err) {
res.sendStatus(err ? 500 : 200);
Middleware - expressRBAC(store)(resource, action)
The middleware returns the following statuses:
- HTTP-401 : req.isAuthenticated() returns false
- HTTP-403 : user.role/user.perms do not have the necessary permissions
- HTTP-500 : internal error
Use debug module with "express-rbac" to print additional debug output.