The complete AWS API Gateway Framework, powered by [Serverless Components](https://github.com/serverless/components).
The complete AWS API Gateway Framework, powered by Serverless Components.
- Create & manage new API Gateway REST APIs with very simple configuration.
- Extend Existing API Gateway REST APIs without disrupting other services.
- Integrate with AWS Lambda via the aws-lambda component
- Authorize requests with AWS Lambda authorizers
(coming soon)
- Serverless custom endpoints
- HTTP API endpoints (websockets and apigatewayv2 endpoints)
- apikey management
- domain name management
You have two sets of options, base options that apply to the whole gateway and per endpoint options. The base options appear under the inputs field of the base object below, all are optional:
component: "@parkhub/aws-api-gateway"
name: API Name
id: ID of existing api
description: Description of API purpose
minimumCompressionSize: 1048575 # Set size that gateway starts compressing return size
binaryMediaTypes: # Extra media types to add to gateway
- multipart/form-data
deploymentDescription: description
stage: development
mode: update mode (merge | overwrite)
cors: true # Setup Cross-Origin
The above default as:
name: 'Test API',
region: 'us-east-1',
description: 'Public API',
minimumCompressionSize: 1048576,
binaryMediaTypes: ['multipart/form-data'],
deploymentDescription: new Date().toISOString(),
mode: 'overwrite'
Per Endpoint options are set on each of the elements of the endpoint array. Currently two types of enpoints are accepted custom http and lambda proxy. You use http by specifying a URI
to hit and lambda by specifying a function
. Function trumps url.
component: "@parkhub/aws-api-gateway"
description: Serverless REST API
- path: /users
method: POST
function: Function Name
authorizer: Authorizer Name
- path: /users
method: GET
URI: http://example.com/users
- path: gateway path
- method: gateway method
- function: lambda proxy function name (required if no URI)
- URI: uri of the service endpoint to hit
- authorizer: Gateway authorizer name
- validator: gateway input validator (0: Body, 1:BodyAndParams, 2: Params, def: NONE)
- params: input parameters to setup
- path: path is setup from root path, param path is used for documentation only
- querystrings: takes either {key:bool} for simple required/not, {key:obj} for documentation, and {key:string} for hardcoding a value
- key:
- value: Bool (required/not)
- type: documenting type
- def: documenting default
- example: documenting example
- description: documenting description
- key:
- headers: takes the same set of values as params
- keys: - value - description
- template: string velocity code for input transformation
- responses: array of objects
- code: http return code
- model: json schema for validating return
- template: velocity code for output transformation
Use @parkhub/config https://github.com/parkhub/config to setup environment and stage variables and handle them in the configuration. With the config endpoint you can pass flags with defaults, import other yaml files and setup variables that can use eachother as variables to make env changes simple and automatic.
component: "@parkhub/config"
stage: dev
outputModels: "./outputModels.yml"
inputModels: "./inputModels.yml"
HOST: (custom.(flags.stage)-host)
dev-host: http://dev.example.com
qa-host: http://qa.example.com
For reusable configurations use yaml pointers and other conviences. Declare them at the top of the file and reference them later.
headers: &headers
Content-type: application/json
Table of Contents
1. Install
$ npm install -g serverless
2. Configure
You can configure the component to either create a new REST API from scratch, or extend an existing one.
Creating REST APIs
You can create new REST APIs by specifying the endpoints you'd like to create, and optionally passing a name and description for your new REST API. You may also choose between a lambda proxy, or http integration by using the function or URI field respectively. The default api settings are:
"name": "Test API",
"region": "us-east-1",
"description": "Public API",
"minimumCompressionSize": 1048576,
"binaryMediaTypes": ["multipart/form-data"],
"deploymentDescription": "new Date().toISOString()",
"mode": "overwrite"
The following is an example with all available options:
component: "@parkhub/aws-api-gateway"
name: Developer API
description: Rest API
minimumCompressionSize: 1048576
- multipart/form-data
deploymentDescription: "Deploying api"
stage: dev
cors: true
mode: merge
- path: /events
mehtod: GET
function: getEvents-${stage} # refer to functions with name only
authorizer: authorize-events # custom lambda authorizer supported
validator: 2 # validation type to use 0: Body only, 1: Body and Params, 2: Params only
- path: /events
method: POST
function: ${createUser.name}
authorizer: ${auth.name}
- path: /users
method: GET
function: ${getUsers.arn}
authorizer: ${auth.name}
- path: /users
method: PUT
proxyURI: https://example.com/users
authorizer: ${auth.arn}
Extending REST APIs
You can extend existing REST APIs by specifying the REST API ID. This will only create, remove & manage the specified endpoints without removing or disrupting other endpoints.
# serverless.yml
component: "@serverless/aws-lambda"
code: ./code
handler: index.createUser
component: "@serverless/aws-lambda"
code: ./code
handler: index.getUsers
component: "@serverless/aws-api-gateway"
id: qwertyuiop # specify the REST API ID you'd like to extend
- path: /users
method: POST
function: ${createUser.name}
- path: /users
method: GET
function: ${getUsers.name}
3. Deploy
$ serverless
New to Components?
Checkout the Serverless Components repo for more information.