vue 3 component library
Red Energy Vue 3 component library.
First install the library using your prefered package manager
yarn add //Todo: git library install
then you can import the available components like so
import { Button } from 're-ui-library'
Available commands
Here is a list of all available npm commands.
Starting the dev environment We use VitePress to hold our component documentation and examples
npm run dev
Building the documentation
npm run build
Serving the documentation
npm run serve
Building the library bundle
Generates the js bundle to be imported by our apps
npm run build:library
Analyzing bundle sizes with rollup-plugin-visualizer
npm run analyze
Lint all files
npm run lint
Format all files
npm run format
Creating new components
Adding new components
- Add the component in a folder of the same name
- Ensure you add documentation for the component inside /docs follow the
├── components/
│ ├── [componentName]/
│ │ └── [componentName].vue
You can rebuild the docs by running npm run build:library
and see them by running npm run serve