Reed makes playing with the Clarinet SDK easier!
is a test framework for @hirosystems/clarinet-sdk
with the goal of providing a developer experience familiar to Ethereum developers.
- npm
npm install --save-dev @papaya-dao/reed
- yarn
yarn add -D @papaya-dao/reed
Clarinet SDK API Differences
The ExtendedSimnet
class extends the Simnet
class provided by the @hirosystems/clarinet-sdk
package. It provides identical and additional methods and properties for interacting with the simulated network. ExtendedSimnet
uses the Proxy pattern to override the methods of the Simnet
class, providing more flexibility.
import { ExtendedSimnet, ExtendedSimnetParams } from "@papaya-dao/reed"
declare const simnet: Simnet;
const params: ExtendedSimnetParams = { simnet, expect };
const simNet = ExtendedSimnet.create(params);
// simNet can be used in place of simnet
const getSymbolResponse = simNet.callReadOnlyFn(
[stxTokenSignifier, depositAmount],
The connect
method in ExtendedSimnet
allows you to connect to the Simnet network with a specified sender. callReadOnlyFn
and callPublicFn
methods on ExtendedSimnet
are overridden to use the sender specified in the connect
method unless overridden by passing sender as the last argument as specified by the Simnet
declare const simnet: Simnet;
const params: ExtendedSimnetParams = { simnet, expect };
const simNet = ExtendedSimnet.create(params);// wallet_1 conntected by default
const getSymbolResponse = simNet.callReadOnlyFn(
[stxTokenSignifier, depositAmount],
// sender <--- able to omit sender, simnet will use wallet_1 by default
The connect method implements the builder pattern for method chaining:
const getSymbolResponse = simNet.connect('wallet_2') // connect a different sender
[stxTokenSignifier, depositAmount]
ExtendedSimnet API
Returns the sender's principal as a string.
getDeployedContractPrincipal(contractName: string)
Returns the principal of a deployed contract.
The ExtendedParsedTransactionResult
class extends the ParsedTransactionResult
class from the @hirosystems/clarinet-sdk
package. It provides an expect
method that allows expectation chaining on the transaction result.
const extendedSimnet = ExtendedSimnet.create(params);
const params: ExtendedSimnetParams = { simnet, expect }; // wondering why we pass expect?
.callReadOnlyFn("counter", "get-counter", [])
.expect // we can method chain like this
magic 🪄
The ClarityContract
class implements the proxy design pattern, which automatically tries to convert kebab-case
stacks clarity contract names to camelCase
and match the proxy prop against these functions to automatically dispatch callReadOnlyFn
or callPublicFn
static create<T extends ClarityContract>(simnet: ExtendedSimnet, contractName: string, sender: string = 'wallet_1', _debug: boolean = false, _extends: T|null = null) {
const instance = new this(simnet, contractName, sender, _debug, _extends);
return new Proxy(instance, {
get: (target: typeof instance, prop: string, receiver) => {
const maybeInterface = target.tryGetFnInterface(prop);
// first, attempt to proxy to the smart contract interface
if (maybeInterface) {
return function (...args: any[]) {
if (args.length != maybeInterface.args.length) throw Error(`Wrong number of arguments, expecting: ${JSON.stringify(maybeInterface.args)}`);
if (maybeInterface.access == 'public') {
return target.simnet.callPublicFn(contractName, maybeInterface.name, [...args]);
} else {
return target.simnet.callReadOnlyFn(contractName, maybeInterface.name, [...args]);
This allows you to define and interact with ClarityContracts like so:
export interface MyToken {
getBalance(owner: PrincipalCV): ExtendedParsedTransactionResult;
getTotalSupply(): ExtendedParsedTransactionResult;
getName(): ExtendedParsedTransactionResult;
getSymbol(): ExtendedParsedTransactionResult;
getDecimals(): ExtendedParsedTransactionResult;
transfer(amount: UIntCV, sender: PrincipalCV, recipient: PrincipalCV, memo?: OptionalCV<BufferCV>): ExtendedParsedTransactionResult;
getTokenUri(): ExtendedParsedTransactionResult;
mint(receiver: PrincipalCV, amount: UIntCV): ExtendedParsedTransactionResult;
export class MyToken extends ClarityContract {
static contractName = 'my-token';
static create(simnet: Simnet, contractName: string = MyToken.contractName, sender: string = 'wallet_1', _debug: boolean = false): MyToken {
const instance = new MyToken(simnet, contractName, sender, _debug);
return (ClarityContract.create(simnet, contractName, sender, _debug, instance) as MyToken);
const extendedSimnet = ExtendedSimnet.create(params);
const params: ExtendedSimnetParams = { simnet, expect };
const myToken = MyToken.create(simNet);
const user = Cl.standardPrincipal(myToken.getSender());
.toBeOk(Cl.uint(rewardAmount * BigInt(3)))