Frontend to visualize results for MSK Kids Reports and RNA Data Expression at cohort level.
Isabl Reports
Frontend to visualize results for MSK Kids Reports and RNA Data Expression at cohort level.
How to use
nvm use v18.16.1 # Use a node working version
npm install -g yarn # Install yarn
yarn install # Install dependencies
yarn dev # Run web server
You might need to add your isabl auth token to the the browser local storage for development purposes:
// Run in your browser console
localStorage.setItem('user-token', <your-isabl-auth-token>)
Setup backend
You need an isabl backend to run the dashboard.
# Clone Repo and checkout to the proper branch
git clone https://github.com/papaemmelab/isabl_msk
cd isabl_msk
git checkout isabl_dashboard # or `master` or the branch you want to use
# Build containers and run (uses -f local.yml by default)
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
# See the logs
docker-compose logs -f
Create Test Data for development
- For the RNA Dashboard:
You might need to get these 3 files from production, which you can find in a SALMON_GENCODE
Project-level Application (gene_level.feather
), and in a WGTS_REPORT
Project-level Application (tsne_blood.feather
and tsne_solid.feather
└── isabl_dashboard
└── tests
└── data
├── gene_level.feather
├── tsne_blood.feather
└── tsne_solid.feather
- For the PTMP Reports:
You need to create both new Inviduals
and WGTS_REPORT (3.0.0)
Individual-level Analyses
with json
results for report, where you link it to a real report file from production.
For example:
Copy real json results from
in production:isabl_msk └── isabl_dashboard └── tests └── data ├── DEV_000001.json ├── DEV_000002.json └── DEV_000003.json
Create a new Application with name
and version3.0.0
Create a new Individual. i.e
.Create a new Analysis, whose Project-level key is the new Individual and the new Application you just created. Set its status to
, and finally link the json file to its results:{ "json": "/app/isabl_dashboard/tests/data/DEV_000001.json" }
Note: The
location is where theisabl_msk
code its located inside the docker compose container.
You should be now ready to go! 🚀
📦 Deploy to NPM
yarn deploy