React Native binding for iOS ARKit
React Native binding for iOS ARKit.
Tutorial: How to make an ARKit app in 5 minutes using React Native
Sample Project: https://github.com/HippoAR/ReactNativeARKit
Note: ARKit is only supported by devices with A9 or later processors (iPhone 6s/7/SE/8/X, iPad 2017/Pro) on iOS 11. You also need Xcode 9 to build the project.
Getting started
$ npm install react-native-arkit --save
Mostly automatic installation
$ react-native link react-native-arkit
Manual installation
- In XCode, in the project navigator, right click
➜Add Files to [your project's name]
- Go to
and addRCTARKit.xcodeproj
- In XCode, in the project navigator, select your project. Add
to your project'sBuild Phases
➜Link Binary With Libraries
- Run your project (
A simple sample React Native ARKit App
// index.ios.js
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { AppRegistry, View } from 'react-native';
import { ARKit } from 'react-native-arkit';
export default class ReactNativeARKit extends Component {
render() {
return (
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
style={{ flex: 1 }}
onPlaneDetected={console.log} // event listener for plane detection
onPlaneUpdate={console.log} // event listener for plane update
position={{ x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }}
shape={{ width: 0.1, height: 0.1, length: 0.1, chamfer: 0.01 }}
position={{ x: 0.2, y: 0, z: 0 }}
shape={{ radius: 0.05 }}
position={{ x: 0.4, y: 0, z: 0 }}
shape={{ radius: 0.05, height: 0.1 }}
position={{ x: 0, y: 0.2, z: 0 }}
shape={{ topR: 0, bottomR: 0.05, height: 0.1 }}
position={{ x: 0.2, y: 0.15, z: 0 }}
shape={{ width: 0.1, height: 0.1, length: 0.1 }}
position={{ x: 0.4, y: 0.2, z: 0 }}
shape={{ innerR: 0.03, outerR: 0.05, height: 0.1 }}
position={{ x: 0, y: 0.4, z: 0 }}
shape={{ ringR: 0.06, pipeR: 0.02 }}
position={{ x: 0.2, y: 0.4, z: 0 }}
shape={{ capR: 0.02, height: 0.06 }}
position={{ x: 0.4, y: 0.4, z: 0 }}
shape={{ width: 0.1, height: 0.1 }}
text="ARKit is Cool!"
position={{ x: 0.2, y: 0.6, z: 0 }}
font={{ size: 0.15, depth: 0.05 }}
position={{ x: -0.2, y: 0, z: 0, frame: 'local' }}
file: 'art.scnassets/ship.scn', // make sure you have the model file in the ios project
scale: 0.01,
AppRegistry.registerComponent('ReactNativeARKit', () => ReactNativeARKit);
<ARKit />
| Prop | Type | Default | Note |
| debug
| Boolean
| false
| Debug mode will show the 3D axis and feature points detected.
| planeDetection
| Boolean
| false
| ARKit plane detection.
| lightEstimation
| Boolean
| false
| ARKit light estimation.
| Event Name | Returns | Notes
| onPlaneDetected
| { id, center, extent }
| When a plane is first detected.
| onPlaneUpdate
| { id, center, extent }
| When a detected plane is updated
Static methods
| Method Name | Arguments | Notes
| snapshot
| | | Take a screenshot (will save to Photo Library) |
| snapshotCamera
| | Take a screenshot without 3d models (will save to Photo Library) |
| getCameraPosition
| | Get the current position of the ARCamera
| focusScene
| | Sets the scene's position/rotation to where it was when first rendered (but now relative to your device's current position/rotation) |
| hitTestPlanes
| point, type | check if a plane has ben hit by point ({x,y}
) with detection type (any of ARKit.ARHitTestResultType
). See https://developer.apple.com/documentation/arkit/arhittestresulttype?language=objc for further information |
| hitTestSceneObjects
| point | check if a scene object has ben hit by point ({x,y}
) |
<ARKit.Box />
| Prop | Type |
| position
| { x, y, z }
| eulerAngles
| { x, y, z }
| shape
| { width, height, length, chamfer }
| material
| { diffuse, metalness, roughness, lightingModel }
<ARKit.Sphere />
| Prop | Type |
| position
| { x, y, z }
| eulerAngles
| { x, y, z }
| shape
| { radius }
| material
| { diffuse, metalness, roughness, lightingModel }
<ARKit.Cylinder />
| Prop | Type |
| position
| { x, y, z }
| eulerAngles
| { x, y, z }
| shape
| { radius, height }
| material
| { diffuse, metalness, roughness, lightingModel }
<ARKit.Cone />
| Prop | Type |
| position
| { x, y, z }
| eulerAngles
| { x, y, z }
| shape
| { topR, bottomR, height }
| material
| { diffuse, metalness, roughness, lightingModel }
<ARKit.Pyramid />
| Prop | Type |
| position
| { x, y, z }
| eulerAngles
| { x, y, z }
| shape
| { width, height, length }
| material
| { diffuse, metalness, roughness, lightingModel }
<ARKit.Tube />
| Prop | Type |
| position
| { x, y, z }
| eulerAngles
| { x, y, z }
| shape
| { innerR, outerR, height }
| material
| { diffuse, metalness, roughness, lightingModel }
<ARKit.Torus />
| Prop | Type |
| position
| { x, y, z }
| eulerAngles
| { x, y, z }
| shape
| { ringR, pipeR }
| material
| { diffuse, metalness, roughness, lightingModel }
<ARKit.Capsule />
| Prop | Type |
| position
| { x, y, z }
| eulerAngles
| { x, y, z }
| shape
| { capR, height }
| material
| { diffuse, metalness, roughness, lightingModel }
<ARKit.Plane />
| Prop | Type |
| position
| { x, y, z }
| eulerAngles
| { x, y, z }
| shape
| { width, length }
| material
| { diffuse, metalness, roughness, lightingModel }
<ARKit.Text />
| Prop | Type |
| text
| String
| position
| { x, y, z }
| eulerAngles
| { x, y, z }
| font
| { name, size, depth, chamfer }
| material
| { diffuse, metalness, roughness, lightingModel }
<ARKit.Model />
SceneKit only supports .scn
and .dae
| Prop | Type |
| position
| { x, y, z }
| eulerAngles
| { x, y, z }
| model
| { file, node, scale, alpha }
If you find a bug or would like to request a new feature, just open an issue. Your contributions are always welcome! Submit a pull request and see CONTRIBUTING.md
for guidelines.