Admin-Solution for mantra apps.
Admin-Solution for mantra apps.
npm install --save @panter/manul-admin
Features and Design goals
Provides routes and simple methods to manipulate meteor-collections.
It by design does not provide a full admin-ui but helps to to create one easily.
Every app has a different ui, some use bootstrap, some semantic-ui, others roll their own ui-kit, ...
Because meteor bundles everything in one bundle at the moment (incremental loading will probably land in meteor 1.4.3), every additional ui-kit will bloat your bundle. So you either have to create a second admin-app or use everything you might already have (buttons, forms, app-layout) and use it to create an admin interface into your app.
This is where you can use manul-admin.
under development, issues, feedback and PRs welcome!
This package provides a client and a server that have both to be set up.
Both share a common adminConfig. The client is additionaly configured with an adminContext that has to be attached to the mantra-context.
This makes it slightly more complex to setup but allows more flexibility.
make sure you have the following meteor-packages installed:
mdg:validated-method, aldeed:simple-schema, tmeasday:publish-counts, kadira:flow-router
place this in a common directory
import * as Collections from '/lib/collections';
import { Roles } from 'meteor/alanning:roles';
import React from 'react';
export default {
// define allowRules. If any rule returns true, any crud-operation is allowed
// this implementation is very basic atm.
allowRules: [
userId => Roles.userIsInRole(userId, 'admin'),
collections: {
// define any collection that should have an admin-interface
companies: {
// define the collection (mandatory)
collection: Collections.Companies,
// customize allow rules
allowRules: [
userId => Roles.userIsInRole(userId, 'companies-admin'),
// all additional properties are passed to every admin-component (edit, update, list)
// E.g. the columns-property is for https://github.com/meteor-utilities/Meteor-Griddle
title: 'Companies',
columns: ['name', 'address', 'zipCode', 'city'],
getPreviewLabel: company => `${company.name}, ${company.canton}`,
users: {
collection: Collections.Users,
title: 'Users',
columns: ['emails.0.address', 'profile.firstname', 'profile.lastname', 'createdAt', 'companyId'],
columnMetadata: [
columnName: 'createdAt',
customComponent: ({ data }) => <span>{moment(data).format('DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm')}</span>,
columnName: 'companyId',
customComponent: ({ data }) => <Preview collectionName="companies" _id={data} />,
init server
In your server/main.js
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { ValidatedMethod } from 'meteor/mdg:validated-method';
import { SimpleSchema } from 'meteor/aldeed:simple-schema';
import { Counts } from 'meteor/tmeasday:publish-counts';
import { initAdminServer } from '@panter/manul-admin';
// we have to inject meteor-depencencies atm.
initAdminServer({ Meteor, ValidatedMethod, SimpleSchema, Counts }, adminConfig);
init client mantra adminModule
in you main.js on the client initialize the mantra-admin-module:
import { adminModule } from '@panter/manul-admin';
// ...
This will create routes and actions for every collection.
define client adminContext
The adminContext has to be attached to mantra's context and will contain everything that needed for the client.
Every container/component will pick up definitions from here like which component to render and how to navigate between the different components.
In your context.js add adminContext by using createAdminContext
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { ValidatedMethod } from 'meteor/mdg:validated-method';
import { SimpleSchema } from 'meteor/aldeed:simple-schema';
import { Counts } from 'meteor/tmeasday:publish-counts';
import { FlowRouter } from 'meteor/kadira:flow-router';
// ...
context.adminContext = createAdminContext({
// needed
// your shared admin config with every collection
config: adminConfig,
// provide a FlowRouter-group. Every admin-route will be prefixed with this
adminRoutes: FlowRouter.group({
prefix: '/admin',
name: 'admin'
// provide a function to navigate between routes.
gotoRoute: (route) => FlowRouter.go(route), // or use manulRouter.go
// you can also provide some functions to show errors and success messages
// we might change this in future versions and allow to specify mantra-actions
showError = error => window.alert(`an error occured: ${error.reason || error.message}`),
showSuccess = message => window.alert(message),
// component definition, see next section
components: components,
Components definition
Because manu-admin does not provide an ui, you have to provide it for it.
But no worries, manul-admin provides everything you need.
In your adminContext, you can define components for create, list, edit:
const components = {
layout: AdminLayout,
create: AdminCreate,
list: AdminList,
preview: AdminPreview,
// you can also define collection-specific components
edit: {
pages: PagesEdit,
users: UsersEdit,
companies: CompaniesEdit,
default: AdminEdit, // will be used for every other collection
context.adminContext = createAdminContext({
should be a component that receives a function content
It will wrap all admin-components.
const AdminLayout = ({content}) => (
CRUD components
Every component will receive the following props:
: eitheradminConfig[collectionName].schema
if defined, or collection.simpleSchema() if availablepublications
: an object withlist
keys with the names of the publications where you can subscribe to- every property that is defined for this collection in the adminConfig
also every component will receive the following actions:
,gotoEdit(collectionName, documentId)
: call these actions to jump to the corresponding route (pass _id togotoEdit
)create(collectionName, doc)
: create a documentupdate(collectionName, newProps)
: update a documentdestroy(collectionName, _id)
: delete a document
This will receive all properties above. Use it to show a create-form or similar. We highly recommend to use https://github.com/vazco/uniforms/ for this:
import AutoForm from 'uniforms-bootstrap4/AutoForm';
const AdminCreate = ({create, gotoList, collectionName, doc}) => (
<h1>Create {collectionName}</h1>
<AutoForm schema={schema} onSubmit={doc => create(collectionName, doc)} />
<button onClick={() => gotoList(collectionName)}>Back to list</button>
This will receive all properties and additionally the following:
: the document._iddoc
: the document to editdocLoaded
: is true when the document has been loaded
import AutoForm from 'uniforms-bootstrap4/AutoForm';
const AdminEdit = ({update, collectionName, doc}) => (
<AutoForm model={doc} schema={schema} onSubmit={doc => update(collectionName, doc)} />
The list-component does not receive additional properties at the moment. In future versions we might inject the list of documents.
You have to do this yourself at the moment, but you can use https://github.com/meteor-utilities/Meteor-Griddle
This makes it simple to implement a list-component:
// remember: you can define additional properties for every collection in your adminConfig.
// you can use this to define individual columns and columnMetadata for each collection
const AdminList = ({gotoEdit, collectionName, publications, columns, columnMetadata}) => (
onRowClick={event => gotoEdit(collectionName, event.props.data._id)}
This is experimental at the moment. it has no route yet, but can be used to display a preview of a document (title, logo, you name it)
It receives the same properties as edit
Use components standalone
You can use every list-, create-, edit- and preview-component everywhere you need:
import { Edit, List, Create, Preview } from '@panter/manul-admin/dist/containers';
params={{ _id: userId }}
params={{ _id: userId }}