A CLI that helps manage infrastructure, permissions and monitoring for complex architectures with multiple components in AWS.
A CLI that helps manage infrastructure, permissions and monitoring for complex architectures with multiple components in AWS.
$ npm install -g @panadata/devops-cli
$ devops COMMAND
running command...
$ devops (-v|--version|version)
@panadata/devops-cli/0.0.6 linux-x64 node-v14.17.5
$ devops --help [COMMAND]
$ devops COMMAND
devops help [COMMAND]
devops init
devops logs
devops monitoring ACTION
devops permissions ACTION
devops pipeline [ACTION]
devops resource:s3_bucket ACTION
devops service:long_task ACTION
devops service:vm ACTION
devops help [COMMAND]
display help for devops
$ devops help [COMMAND]
COMMAND command to show help for
--all see all commands in CLI
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
devops init
This creates the devops configuration files for your service.
$ devops init
-d, --description=description
Description of the service.
-e, --envs=envs
(required) [default: staging] A list of the different environments of the service/s
-g, --global
Initialize your devops workspace globally.
-h, --help
show CLI help
-i, --ids=ids
Id of the service for its respective environment in the format env=id. For services of type vm this is the isntance
id. For services of type long_task it is the cluster id
-n, --name=name
(required if the --global flag is NOT set) Name of the service. Required when initializing a service.
-p, --pipeline=pipeline
Name of the AWS codepipeline pipeline.
-r, --resources=resources
A List of resources in the format resource_type=resource_name. Available resource types include s3_bucket
-s, --secrets=secrets
List of names of the secrets for your app in caps, i.e SECRET_NAME
-t, --sns_topic=sns_topic
Name of the default sns topic you want to send alerts from this service to.
-t, --type=long_task|vm|other
(required if the --global flag is NOT set) Type of the service. Choose other if your service is not an AWS EC2
instance or an AWS copilot scheduled job.
(required if the --global flag is set) Default aws profile youd like to use
[default: default] (required if the --global flag is set) Default aws profile youd like to use with the devops cli
(required if the --global flag is set) Default aws region youd like to use
[default: default] Name of the aws copilot app. One copilot app may contain all of your copilot services.
After running succesfully this should create a devops directory in your project with a manifest.yml file that contains
your services info. Add the -g flag to initialize your devops workspace globally (this should only be done once after
installing the CLI).
$ devops init -n=my_first_service -t=vm -d "this is the first service im managaing with devops" -e staging prod -i
staging=i-004214202 prod=i-453565299 -r s3_bucket=test-bucket
$ devops init -g --aws_region=us-east-1 --aws_profile=default --aws_account=69123123420 --copilot_app=panadata -e
staging prod
See code: src/commands/init.ts
devops logs
Interact with the AWS cloudwatch logs of the given service
$ devops logs
-a, --copilot_app=copilot_app (required) [default: default] Name of the aws copilot app.
-f, --filter=filter Filter logs that contain a given string or pattern. For more information on filter
pattern syntax see:
-h, --help show CLI help
-n, --name=name (required) Name of the service.
-s, --start_time=start_time [default: 1] Time range in hours you want to list logs for, default is 1 hour.
-t, --tail Tail logs consecutively, as cloudwatch recieves new logs these will be logged in your
--env=dev|staging|prod (required) [default: staging] Name of the environment
--type=long_task|vm|other (required) Type of the service.
$ devops logs -t
$ devops logs -f "POST 200"
See code: src/commands/logs.ts
devops monitoring ACTION
Manage monitoring of a given service for the specified environments
$ devops monitoring ACTION
-a, --copilot_app=copilot_app
(required) [default: default] Name of the aws copilot app.
-e, --envs=dev|staging|prod
(required) [default: staging] A list of the environments you want to monitor.
-g, --global
Create a global dashboard for all of your services for the given environments
-h, --help
show CLI help
-n, --name=name
(required) Name of the service.
-t, --sns_topic=sns_topic
Name of the sns topic you want to send alerts to.
-t, --type=long_task|vm|other
(required) Type of the service.
(required) AWS account number.
(required) AWS region.
Available actions include:
- init: generates a cloudformation template with alarms, metrics and a dashboard for the specified environments of the
given service
- deploy: deploys the cloudformation template with the alarms, metrics, and dashboard for the specified environments
- delete: deletes alarms, metrics and dashboards associated to the given service for the specified environments
$ devops monitoring init
$ devops monitoring deploy
$ devops monitoring delete
$ devops monitoring ls
See code: src/commands/monitoring.ts
devops permissions ACTION
Manage the permissions of a given service for the specified roles
$ devops permissions ACTION
-a, --copilot_app=copilot_app
(required) [default: default] Name of the aws copilot app.
-h, --help
show CLI help
-n, --name=name
(required) Name of the service.
-p, --pipeline=pipeline
(required) Name of the AWS codepipeline pipeline.
-r, --roles=collaborator|owner
(required) [default: collaborator] Name of the roles you want to generate permissions for.
-t, --type=long_task|vm|other
(required) Type of the service.
(required) AWS account number.
(required) AWS region.
Name of the AWS IAM group that you want to attach the given policy to.
Available actions include:
- init: generates a cloudformation template with the permissions for the specified roles
- deploy: deploys the cloudformation template with the permissions for the specified roles
- delete: removes permissions from the given role to the given service
- ls: lists all the users/groups from the given role with permissions to the given service
- attach: Attach permissions from the given role to a given team
$ devops permissions init
$ devops permissions deploy
$ devops permissions delete
$ devops permissions ls
See code: src/commands/permissions.ts
devops pipeline [ACTION]
Interact with the AWS codepipeline CI/CD pipeline of a given service
$ devops pipeline [ACTION]
-h, --help show CLI help
-m, --message=message A message that describes the release to production
-n, --name=name (required) Name of the service.
-p, --pipeline=pipeline (required) Name of the AWS codepipeline pipeline.
Available actions include:
- info: get infomration about the codepipeline
- status: get the status of the latest execution
- approve: make a manual approval in the given pipeline to promote changes to prod
$ devops pipeline info
$ devops pipeline status
$ devops pipeline approve -m 'everything looks good'
See code: src/commands/pipeline.ts
devops resource:s3_bucket ACTION
Interact with a resource of type s3 bucket
$ devops resource:s3_bucket ACTION
-b, --bucket=bucket
Name of the s3 bucket; Defaults to the first resource of type s3 in your service manifest.
-h, --help
show CLI help
-n, --name=name
(required) Name of the service.
-o, --object=object
Path of an s3 object.
-p, --path=path
Relative path were you want to save the object download.
(required) AWS account number.
(required) AWS region.
(required) [default: staging] Name of the environment
Available actions include:
- ls: Lists all objects stored in the specified s3 bucket in descending order by lastModified date.
- info: Get information of an s3 object.
- download: Download an object from an s3 bucket
$ devops resource:s3_bucket ls
$ devops resource:s3_bucket info
$ devops resource:s3_bucket download
See code: src/commands/resource/s3_bucket.ts
devops service:long_task ACTION
Interact with a service of type long_task
$ devops service:long_task ACTION
-a, --copilot_app=copilot_app
(required) [default: default] Name of the aws copilot app.
-e, --execution_arn=execution_arn
Amazon resource number (arn) of the step function execution
-h, --help
show CLI help
-n, --name=name
(required) Name of the service.
(required) AWS account number.
(required) AWS region.
(required) Name of the environment
Available actions include:
- ls: list step function executions
- info: get general information about the step function
- status: get information about the last step function execution
- start: run the task for the given environment
- stop: stop the task for the given environment
$ devops service:long_task ls
$ devops service:long_task info
$ devops service:long_task status
$ devops service:long_task start
$ devops service:long_task stop
See code: src/commands/service/long_task.ts
devops service:vm ACTION
Interact with a service of type vm
$ devops service:vm ACTION
-h, --help
show CLI help
-n, --name=name
(required) Name of the service.
(required) AWS account number.
(required) AWS region.
(required) Name of the environment
(required) [default: m5.large] Name of the ssh key for the instance i.e. scrapkey
(required) [default: scrapkey] Name of the ssh key for the instance i.e. scrapkey
Available actions include:
- info: get infomration about the vm
- status: get the status of the vm
- start: start a vm
- stop: stop a vm
- reboot: reboot a given vm
- connect: get the ssh connection string for a given instance
$ devops service:vm info
$ devops service:vm status
$ devops service:vm start
$ devops service:vm stop
$ devops service:vm reboot
$ devops service:vm connect
See code: src/commands/service/vm.ts