panacloud cli
Panacloud Command Line Interface (CLI)
In a recent report 75% of developers indicate that participating in API economy is ‘top priority’. Panacloud is an unified API development, fundraising, and ownership economy platform. It provides services, libraries, tools, and frameworks for developing totally open multi-tenant, serverless cloud services with integrated multi-tenant billing, crowdfunding, and ownership economy constructs. This allows developers to concentrate solely on creating specialised code related to their domain, leaving the rest to the Panacloud platform and services. This model has the potential to disrupt both the software and venture investment industries and making the API developers rich and owners of their own destiny and unicorn startups.
Panacloud CLI accelerates the building of modern multi-tenant serverless SaaS APIs. The CLI applies the design-first paradigm and implements the best practices for designing GraphQL APIs using public cloud serverless and infrastructure as code technologies. The CLI takes a GraphQL API schema that has been augmented with Panacloud directives and creates infrastructure as code (IaC), mock lambdas, tests, and scaffolding for genuine lambdas that include business logic and database requests. It makes use of AWS CDK for IaC. It now only supports AWS, TypeScript and GraphQL, but future versions will also support Azure and Google Cloud, OpenAPI and other languages as well.
The generated serverless SaaS API project supports multi-tenant usage based billing and monetering and is closely integrated with the Panacloud portal. The developer just needs to write the specific code required by the Multi-Tenant SaaS project. This greatly reduces custom developer coding and increases speed to market. GraphQL and Open REST APIs can be built by using the Panacloud CLI. The APIs may use Graph or Relational databases, etc.
We have also published detailed Tutorials to help you to learn AWS CDK.
Before getting started you need to install the following packages and libraries:
- Install Node.js
- Install AWS CLI Version 2.x
- Install AWS CDK Version 2
- Install Globally TypeScript
Before starting your API project learn to develop APIs using this bootcamp and learning API repo
The first step in developing a GraphQL schema for your APIs. Once you have built your GraphQL schema and enhanced it with Panacloud directives, we will now use this CLI to develop the serverless cloud APIs.
The code generated by the CLI will consist of two parts:
- Code that will be managed and updated by the CLI. As we add and update the API schema, we will update the generated code using the CLI.
- Code that is editable by the API developer and is contained in the editiable_src directory. This code code contains the buisiness logic and is edited and updated by the developer.
Note: The developer can also modify and add the IaC CDK code by using CDK aspects.
Now Globally Install Panacloud CLI:
npm install @panacloud/cli -g
Getting Started
Please read these articles to understand the approach:
API-First, API Design-First, or Code-First: Which Should You
Schema-First GraphQL: The Road Less Travelled
In order to start learning to develop Serverless GraphQL APIs we have developed a very simple schema in the user.graphql
file at the root of this tutorial.
You can learn how to develop GraphQL schemas from the schema official documentation
- Now we will generate an AWS CDK project using the panacloud cli.
mkdir my_user_api
cd my_user_api
panacloud init
- On the command promt answer the question:
GraphQL Schema File Path? ../user.graphql
API Name? MyUserAPI
Select Database? Neptune (Graph)
Select Query Language? Gremlin
Now the MyUserAPI code is generated and available in the my_user_api
Please review tutorials for a detailed introduction to the project generated by CLI.
$ npm install -g @panacloud/cli
$ panacloud COMMAND
running command...
$ panacloud (-v|--version|version)
@panacloud/cli/0.0.9 darwin-arm64 node-v16.13.2
$ panacloud --help [COMMAND]
$ panacloud COMMAND
Panacloud Commands
panacloud client [FILE]
panacloud config:customData
panacloud config:memory [QUERY_NAME] [MEMORY_SIZE]
panacloud config:mock [QUERY_NAME]
panacloud config:stage [STAGE_NAME]
panacloud config:timeout [QUERY_NAME] [TIMEOUT]
panacloud help [COMMAND]
panacloud init
panacloud login
panacloud merge
panacloud status
panacloud update
panacloud client [FILE]
describe the command here
$ panacloud client [FILE]
-h, --help show CLI help
See code: src/commands/client.ts
panacloud config:customData
Upate panacloudconfig.json
$ panacloud config:customData
-f, --false Set is_custom false
-h, --help show CLI help
-t, --true Set is_custom true
See code: src/commands/config/customData.ts
panacloud config:memory [QUERY_NAME] [MEMORY_SIZE]
Upate panacloudconfig.json
$ panacloud config:memory [QUERY_NAME] [MEMORY_SIZE]
-h, --help show CLI help
See code: src/commands/config/memory.ts
panacloud config:mock [QUERY_NAME]
Upate panacloudconfig.json
$ panacloud config:mock [QUERY_NAME]
-f, --false Set is_mock false
-h, --help show CLI help
-t, --true Set is_mock true
See code: src/commands/config/mock.ts
panacloud config:stage [STAGE_NAME]
Upate panacloudconfig.json
$ panacloud config:stage [STAGE_NAME]
-a, --add Add New Stage
-h, --help show CLI help
-r, --remove Remove Stage
See code: src/commands/config/stage.ts
panacloud config:timeout [QUERY_NAME] [TIMEOUT]
Upate panacloudconfig.json
$ panacloud config:timeout [QUERY_NAME] [TIMEOUT]
-h, --help show CLI help
See code: src/commands/config/timeout.ts
panacloud help [COMMAND]
display help for panacloud
$ panacloud help [COMMAND]
COMMAND command to show help for
--all see all commands in CLI
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
panacloud init
Generates CDK code based on the given schema
$ panacloud init
-d, --database=(DynamoDB (NoSQL)|Neptune (Graph)|Aurora Serverless (Relational))
-h, --help show CLI help
-t, --test
See code: src/commands/init.ts
panacloud login
Login into your Panacloud Portal Account
$ panacloud login
See code: src/commands/login.ts
panacloud merge
Merge multiple GraphQL schema in one
$ panacloud merge
-h, --help show CLI help
See code: src/commands/merge.ts
panacloud status
describe the command here
$ panacloud status
-h, --help show CLI help
See code: src/commands/status.ts
panacloud update
Updates the Generated Code.
$ panacloud update
-h, --help show CLI help
See code: src/commands/update.ts
Project NPM Commands
Once the project is generated you may run the following npm scripts
npm run deploy-dev
Deploy Development Stagenpm run deploy-prd
Deploy Production Stagenpm run destroy-dev
Destroy Development Stagenpm run destroy-prd
Destroy Production Stagenpm run test-dev
Run Tests for the Development Stagenpm run test-prd
Run Tests for the Production Stage
Details about the Project Generated by the CLI
The CLI generates project for Multi-Tenant Serverless API development with AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) using TypeScript. It comes with all the necessary code to develop and deploy a Serverless GraphQL API in the AWS Cloud. This includes the provisioning of cloud infrastructure in code and Serverless stubs where developers may easily include their business logic. The project also provides pre-built mock lambda functions and unit tests to test your deployed APIs.
The project code may be conceptually divided into two parts:
- The code that is generated by the Panacloud CLI, and will continuously be updated by the CLI as your API schema evolves. If the developer edits and updated this code, it will be overwritten next time the schema is updated and Panacloud CLI update command is given.
- The code that the developer edits and updates and contains the business logic for the APIs. This code is contained in the
It is highly recommended that the developer only edit and update the code contained in the editable_src/
directory because the rest of the code is generated and updated by the Panacloud CLI.
The generated project code includes the mock lambdas contained in the mock_lambda
directory in the root project folder. Typically, the developer will write business logic in the stub lambdas contained in the editable_src/lambdas/
directory. The configuration contained in the editable_src/panacloudconfig.json
file decides which lambda the APIs will call. Therefore, the project may be using mock lambdas in some calls and the real stub lambdas in other calls. This flexibility allows the developer to seamlessly transition from mock APIs towards real APIs, without the API users and testers even noticing it. Also, the mock APIs may be deployed right away.
The API CDK stack (cloud infrastructure in code) is generated by the Panacloud CLI panacloud init
command given the API schema. API development is an iterative process, therefore when the developer updates the API schema in the editable_src/graphql/schema/
directory and runs the panacloud update
command the project's CDK code is updated. Given this cycle, most of the CDK stack is generated and updated by the Panacloud CLI. However, the developer has the flexibility to add and update the CDK stack by adding and updating visitors in the editable_src/aspects/
directory. The Panacloud framework uses Aspects to enhance generated constructs and add cloud constructs written by the API developers.
The editable_src/
directory contains all the code which the developer edits.
The editable_src/lambdas/
directory contains all the lambda stubs where the developer writes the business logic.
The editable_src/panacloudconfig.json
file tells the Panacloud framework which lambda functions to call.
The editable_src/aspects
directory contains all the CDK code which the developer adds to the project CDK stack.
The cdk.json
file tells the CDK Toolkit how to execute your app.
The Panacloud Dapp and Protocol Complements the CLI
The Panacloud Dapp and protocol complements this CLI and facilitates the API developer to:
- Tokenize the APIs and raise funding for API development.
- Document the developer ownership of the API by issuing you an NFT.
- Market the APIs to the application developers in the API bazaar/store.
- Create a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) for the APIs for governance in which the API token holders i.e. developer, investors, and users can participate.
- Monitor APIs and do multi-tenant billing and clearing on the Ethereum blockchain using smart contracts.
- Issue tokens to API early adopters and users to incentivize them to subscribe and use the APIs and become a participant in the Owership Economy.
- Allow the stakeholders to cash out whenever they require liquidity by selling API tokens.
The Panacloud CLI Roadmap
First Public Release
Release Date: December 25, 2021
- DynamoDB
- Neptune & AuroraDB
- Microservice dirrective
- Multiple stacks
- MockData & MockLambda
- panacloud status
- panacloud client
Second Release
Expected Date: January 15, 2022
- API Tests
- Async Dirrective
- Nested Resolver
- Return Type ( Issues with DynamoDB & Neptune )
Third Release
Expected Date: Feburary 1, 2022
Multi-Tenant monetering and billing data live streamed to Amazon Timestream Database deployed in Panacloud AWS Account.
Fourth Release
Expected Date: March 1, 2022
Functionality: Basic OpenAPI speficication support.