A CLI tool that will download the DB03 David Bowie photograph by Gavin Evans directly from Ethereum.
A CLI tool that will download the DB03 David Bowie photograph by Gavin Evans directly from Ethereum.
npm install -g @pan-nft/bowie
quick start
The quickest way to use this library is to just run it - it will download the image from Ethereum mainnet and write it to Bowie DB03©Gavin Evans.jpg
in the current directory
$ pan-nft-bowie
downloaded image slice 0
downloaded image slice ...
downloaded image slice 24
written image to Bowie DB03©Gavin Evans.jpg
If you want to write the image to a different filename:
= the filename to download the image to
If you want to connect to a different network and token - you should specify both the:
= the JSONRpc url of the network you want to connect to--contract
= the address of the token you want to download the image from
Usage: pan-nft-bowie [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-u, --url <url> The ethereum RPC URL to connect to (default: "https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/cab3c4baa4d64a77bf3a9413e90c81bd")
-f, --filename <filename> The file path to write to (default: "Bowie DB03©Gavin Evans.jpg")
-c, --contract <contract> The token contract to read from (default: "0xfb9f2821f9401b7f60d552d3883d5ee0732dad48")
-h, --help output usage information