Example code to interact with the Paintswap NFT marketplace
Paintswap Marketplace Interaction
Provides a typescript-enabled wrapper around the PaintSwap MarketplaceV3 contract.
Requires: yarn
yarn install
Listen to different kinds of events from the marketplace
yarn listen
Query sale details on a specific marketplace sale ID
yarn query
Types are defined in marketplaceV3Types.
MarketplaceV3 defines a typescript-enabled wrapper around the events and getters of the main contract to make it simpler to use.
Scripts listen.ts and query.ts provide examples of interactions all functions defined by the MarketplaceV3
Script filter.ts is more advanced and provides an example on building a queryFilter
to retrieve past events. Great for testing without having to wait for new events!
Use in your own scripts
First, include @paintswap/marketplace-interactions
in your package.json
As an example if you'd like to subscribe to Sold events:
import { MarketplaceV3 } from '@paintswap/marketplace-interactions';
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(
const marketplace = new MarketplaceV3(provider)
v3.onSold((sale) => console.log(sale))
Reliability and Guarantees
Please note this library is only as reliable as the given RPC provider and the events that come through it. There is no guarantee of event delivery.
See existing Enhancement Issues