It's PAGODA company customized version of typegoose. Define Mongoose models using TypeScript classes.
This is the pagoda's customized version of typegoose.All the code is base on [email protected].
change class extends Typegoose to extends Model(mongoose)
// old
class A extends Typegoose{
// new
import {Model} from mongoose;
class A extends Model{
change model create function
// old
const UserModel = new User().getModelForClass(User);
// new
const UserModel = createModelForClass(User);
use subSchema with @schemaOptions({_id:false}) define the sub class prop.
// old
class Car extends Typegoose {}
class Person{
@prop({ _id: false })
car?: Car;
// new
class Car extends Model {}
class Person extends Model{
car?: Car;
use {ref:()=>User}
and {type:()=>User}
to avoid interdependence error.
// old
// file a.ts
import {B} from ./B;
export class A extends Typegoose{
// file b.ts
import {A} from ./A;
export class A extends Typegoose{
// file createModels.ts
import {A} from ./A;
const AModel = new A().getModelForClass(A);
// In this situation it will use error ref as undefined.
// new
// file a.ts
import {B} from ./B;
export class A extends Model{
// file b.ts
import {A} from ./A;
export class A extends Typegoose{
// file createModels.ts
import {A} from ./A;
const AModel = createModelForClass(A);
// In this situation we use function to delay the depend class use.
new features
support recursive nesting schema.
class Box extends Model {
@prop({ type: () => Box })
innerBoxes: Box[]; // box nesting box
name: string;
support pass any prop options that mongoose support.
this is an example use the refpath to populate the different instance depend type.
class Cock extends Model {
name: string;
get legCount() {
return 2;
class Rabbit extends Model {
name: string;
get legCount() {
return 4;
@schemaOptions({ _id: false })
class AnimalInCage extends Model {
type: string; // Here,we depend the model name create by default lowerFirst.
refPath: 'animals.type', type: () => Schema.Types.ObjectId,
id: Schema.Types.ObjectId | mongooseDocument<Cock> | mongooseDocument<Rabbit>;
class Cage extends Model {
@prop({ type: () => AnimalInCage })
animals: AnimalInCage[];
const CockModel = createModelForClass(Cock);
const RabbitModel = createModelForClass(Rabbit);
const CageModel = createModelForClass(Cage);
const cockInfo = await CockModel.create({
name: 'xiao hua',
} as Cock);
const rabbitInfo = await RabbitModel.create({ name: 'xiao bai' } as Rabbit);
const cageInfo = await CageModel.create({
animals: [
{ type: 'cock', id: cockInfo._id },
{ type: 'rabbit', id: rabbitInfo._id },
} as Cage);
const retCageInfo = await CageModel.findById(cageInfo._id).populate('animals.id');
support explicitly define the type
class Tmp1 extends Model {
@prop({ type: () => Schema.Types.ObjectId })
commonId: Ref<Tmp1>;