Create excel rows write stream.
Create excel rows write stream.
It can create an duplex stream that you can write values row by row and read xlsx output binaries..
$ npm i @pagodas/excel-write-stream --save
import {createExcelWriterDuplex, ExcelWriterCellInput} from '@pagodas/excel-write-stream';
import fs = require('fs');
import path = require('path');
import combine = require('multipipe');
import stream = require('readable-stream');
// an readstream that have 100 rows.
class TestRowsStream extends stream.Readable {
private i = 0;
constructor() {
super({objectMode: true});
_read() {
if (this.i > 100) {
} else {
this.push([ // row can be array of literal value.
`first value${this.i}`,// string
`third value${this.i}`,
const excelDuplex = createExcelWriterDuplex({
columns: [// columns can be string[].
'first row',
'second row',
// create an file write stream.
const outFile = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(__dirname, './easy_data.xlsx'));
// pipe the row read stream to excelDuplex, pipe the excelDuplex to file write stream.
combine(new TestRowsStream(), excelDuplex, outFile, done);
A demo that support more features.
import {createExcelWriterDuplex, ExcelWriterCellInput} from '@pagodas/excel-write-stream';
import fs = require('fs');
import path = require('path');
import combine = require('multipipe');
import stream = require('readable-stream');
class TestRowsStream extends stream.Readable {
private i = 0;
constructor() {
super({objectMode: true});
_read() {
if (this.i > 100) {
} else {
{value: `${this.i}+aa`},
{value: 'b'},
value: 1000, // cell value
numberFormat: '#,##0.00_ ', //optional. numberFormat for number value show.
background: '00FF00',// optional. set the background of cell.
symbol: ['3Flags', this.i % 3],//optional.add icon to the cell,iconSet from excel condition format,
// it's an array first value is iconSet type(example values:‘3Arrows’, ‘3ArrowsGray’, ‘3Flags’, ‘3TrafficLights1’, ‘3TrafficLights2’, ‘3Signs’, ‘3Symbols’, ‘3Symbols2’, ‘4Arrows’, ‘4ArrowsGray’, ‘4RedToBlack’, ‘4Rating’, ‘4TrafficLights’, ‘5Arrows’, ‘5ArrowsGray’, ‘5Rating’, ‘5Quarters’)
// second value is the index in the iconSet ,first one is index:0.
// mention that ,if the value is a string,then it will set it to 0,and add an numberFormat for the string display.
customFun: (cell) => {// optional. an function that callback the cellObj,so that we can custom cell style. It's cell from the [exceljs].
cell.fill = { // [exceljs](https://www.npmjs.com/package/exceljs#styles)
type: 'pattern',
pattern: 'solid',
fgColor: {argb: `FFFF0000`},
}] as ExcelWriterCellInput[]);
const excelDuplex = createExcelWriterDuplex({
columns: [ // defined the table headers.
header: 'aa',
header: 'Bb',
header: 'cc',// header name.
width: 80,// optional, column width.
style: {alignment: {vertical: 'middle', horizontal: 'left'}},//optional,column styles
color2CrossLine: 'F5F5F5',// optional.cross line coloring.
borderColor: '282828', // optional. border color,an rgb hex value.
fixHeader: false,// optional.fix the header on top.default true ,we can close it by this option.
rowsPerPage: 10,// optional.excel sheet have an row limit 1,048,576,so we must limit row count per page.default 100,000,we can change it by this option.
sheetNameFun: (i) => `aa${i}`,// optional.the sheet name default create by function (i: number) => `My Sheet${i}`,we can replace by this option.
const outFile = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(__dirname, './a.xlsx'));
combine(new TestRowsStream(), excelDuplex, outFile, done);
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