UI framework with pure OOP approach in design. Has no unnecessary complexity: only html, css and js. It's based on the Async Tree Pattern.
Page can be described as a base for any applications on top of it with server and client in Node.js. It provides a lot of features and common scenarios for using web. It's completely based on the Async Tree Pattern that allows you to customize Page in any way you want, you can even throw it away and build other base core for your application.
In another words, Page is just an example of how you can build your application using libraries which are based on cutie.
- Basic Concepts
- How to Start (page-cli)
- Project Structure
- Building Process
- Running Process
- Static Generator
Basic Concepts
Page Is Not a Regular Framework. Almost every framework is made with an assumption that we live in ideal world, but it's very far from the truth. It's not possible to build something big and stable using magic, which every framework is based on. Meanwhile, Page allows you to control the whole behaviour of your application and apply new changes in a explicit way.
It's Not Easy to Start Quickly. First of all you need to get acquainted with Async Tree Pattern and it's implementation. It allows to build everything using pure approach in OOP. Also, you must know how Node.js works and it's important to understand how non-blockinng i/o works there.
But It's Very Easy to Continue. Ones you've learnt how to use Async Tree Pattern, libraries that are based on cutie and libraries for Page, your life will be never like before. You'll able to intoduce new changes into your code extremely fast and painless(unlike in other frameworks).
No Unnecessary Complexity. Only html, css and js (server side and browser).
Small Core. Page is almost based on little pieces from different libraries that can be easily combined with each other for building appication. It makes Page lightweight and easily extensible.
How To Start (page-cli)
First of all you need to download this repository to your local machine. You can do it via github or page-cli. We suggest you to use the last option because it also makes building and running of your application much easier.
Installation Instructions
- Install page-cli:
npm install @page-libs/cli -g
- Go to the workspace where you want to create your project:
cd ../<my-projects>
- Create a project:
page create
- Then you'll have to enter some information about your project (
Project name
), you'll get this repository with changed package.json and removed .git directory (so you can bind it to your project on github). - Go to your project directory:
cd <projectName>
- Install dependencies:
npm install
Update Instructions
- Go to your project directory:
cd <project_name>
- Update version of framework:
page update
, this command just updates versions of components in your package.json - Install new dependencies:
npm install
Build Project
For building use command: page build [environment]
or page b [environment]
. environment
is one of the following values: local
, prod
, dev
, stage
, prod
is the default environment).
Run Project
For running use command: page run [environment]
or page r [environment]
. environment
is one of the following values: local
, prod
, dev
, stage
, prod
is the default environment).
Build&Run Project
page br [environment]
is local
by default)
Test Project
- Go to your project directory:
cd <project_name>
- Run tests:
page test
(it runsnpm test
Project Structure
├── ProjectName
│ ├── async
│ ├── pages
│ │ ├── **/*.js
│ ├── server
│ │ ├── async
│ │ ├── endpoints
│ │ ├── events
│ │ ├── api.js
│ │ ├── run.js
│ │ ├── tunedWatchers.js
│ ├── static
│ │ ├── css
│ │ │ ├── **/*.css
│ │ ├── html
│ │ │ ├── **/*.html
│ │ ├── image
│ │ │ ├── **/*.{jpg,png,..}
│ │ ├── js
│ │ │ ├── **/*.js
│ │ ├── txt
│ │ │ ├── **/*.txt
│ │ ├── ...
│ ├── templates
│ │ ├── **/*.html
│ ├── test
│ ├── ├── server
│ ├── ├── ├── files
│ ├── ├── ├── ├── **/*.{html, js}
├── ├── ├── ├── **/*.js
│ ├── .eslintrc.json
│ ├── build.js
│ ├── .gitignore
│ ├── config.json
│ ├── package-lock.json
│ ├── package.json
│ ├── README.md
│ ├── test.js
This directory contains async objects for the whole application.
This directory contains js scripts that generate static html pages(they are based on page-static-generator library).
This directory contains server part of the application. It contains build script and run script.
This directory contains async objects that we use in server/build.js
and server/run.js
This directory contains endpoints for REST API.
This directory contains events for different purposes.
This directory contains static files, each type of files is stored in the corresponding subdirectory(html
, js
and so on). You can also add subdirectories for different extensions. Just don't forget to configure it in the running process.
This directory contains html tepmlates(components) for generating pages.
This directory contains tests on async objects in server
contains all settings of Page. Use following async composition for retrieving values from config in the code:
const { ParsedJSON, Value } = require('@cuties/json')
const { ReadDataByPath } = require('@cuties/fs')
new ParsedJSON(
new ReadDataByPath('./config.json')
now you can use following composition
for retrieving concrete value from config
new Value(as('CONFIG'), 'somePropertyName')
Properties in config.json
"page": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"logoText": "./static/txt/logo.txt",
"logoImage": "./static/image/logo.png",
"logoImageSrc": "/../image/logo.png"
This property contains an object with information about Page: current version, path to the logo in the text format and image format, also image address of the logo.
index, indexHref
These properties point to the index page. index
is for location of the index page in the file system and indexHref
is for link address of the index page.
This property is for location of the directory of static files.
This property is for location of the directory with static genrators.
This property is for location of the directory with templates.
This property is for location of the directory of static files with html
enviroments(local, prod, dev, stage, prod)
Every environment property includes protocol, port, host, clusterMode
. You can also add your own environments and environment properties (for example, if you use https
for protocol
, you might need cert
and key
"local": {
"protocol": "http",
"port": 8000,
"host": "",
"clusterMode": true
"dev": {
"protocol": "http",
"port": 8000,
"host": "",
"clusterMode": true
"test": {
"protocol": "http",
"port": 8000,
"host": "",
"clusterMode": true
"stage": {
"protocol": "http",
"port": 8000,
"host": "",
"clusterMode": true
"prod": {
"protocol": "http",
"port": 8000,
"host": "",
"clusterMode": true
It's a default config for eslint. You can customize it via command: ./node_modules/.bin/eslint --init
This script executes all tests in the test
directory using this library.
Building Process
The declaration of this process is in server/build.js script. Here we execute static analysis (for pages
, server
, static/js/es6
and test
packages), test coverage of test script and grunt build (you can use other build system). After grunt tasks are executed we generate static pages. And that's it, you can also add some other steps in your building process.
// build.js
const { as } = require('@cuties/cutie')
const { Value } = require('@cuties/json')
const { ExecutedScripts } = require('@cuties/scripts')
const { ExecutedLint, ExecutedTestCoverage, ExecutedTestCoverageCheck } = require('@cuties/wall')
const Config = require('./async/Config')
const PrintedStage = require('./async/PrintedStage')
const env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'local'
new Config('./config.json').as('CONFIG').after(
new Config('./package.json').as('PACKAGE_JSON').after(
new PrintedStage(as('CONFIG'), as('PACKAGE_JSON'), `BUILD (${env})`).after(
new ExecutedLint(process, './pages', './server', './test').after(
new ExecutedTestCoverageCheck(
new ExecutedTestCoverage(process, './test.js'),
{ 'lines': 100, 'functions': 100, 'branches': 100 }
new ExecutedScripts(
'node', 'js', new Value(as('CONFIG'), 'staticGenerators')
Static analysis and test coverage (wall)
You can find information about configuring async composition of static analysis and test coverage here.
Also you can customize eslint config via command ./node_modules/.bin/eslint --init
. Default configuration you can find here.
Running Process
The declaration of this process is in server/run.js script.
Backend (server)
For building backend server with REST API we use here cutie-rest:
// server/async/LaunchedBackend.js
const { Backend } = require('@cuties/rest')
const { Value } = require('@cuties/json')
const Api = require('./Api')
const env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'local'
module.exports = class {
constructor (config) {
return new Backend(
new Value(config, `${env}.protocol`),
new Value(config, `${env}.port`),
new Value(config, `${env}.host`),
new Api(config)
Where Api
object is for our REST API, which is defined in the ./server/async/Api.js
// server/async/Api.js
const { RestApi, ServingFilesEndpoint } = require('@cuties/rest')
const { Value } = require('@cuties/json')
const { Created } = require('@cuties/created')
const CustomIndexEndpoint = require('./../endpoints/CustomIndexEndpoint')
const CustomNotFoundEndpoint = require('./../endpoints/CustomNotFoundEndpoint')
const CustomInternalServerErrorEndpoint = require('./../endpoints/CustomInternalServerErrorEndpoint')
const UrlToFSPathMapper = require('./UrlToFSPathMapper')
const env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'local'
const headers = env === 'prod' ? { 'Cache-Control': 'cache, public, max-age=86400' } : {}
class CreatedCustomNotFoundEndpoint {
constructor (config) {
return new Created(
new RegExp(/^\/not-found/),
new Value(config, 'notFoundPage')
module.exports = class {
constructor (config) {
return new RestApi(
new Created(
new Value(config, 'index'),
new CreatedCustomNotFoundEndpoint(config)
new Created(
new RegExp(/^\/(css|html|image|js|txt)/),
new UrlToFSPathMapper(
new Value(config, 'static')
new CreatedCustomNotFoundEndpoint(config)
new CreatedCustomNotFoundEndpoint(config),
new CustomInternalServerErrorEndpoint(new RegExp(/^\/internal-server-error/))
More information about declaration REST API you can find in the docs cutie-rest.
The Whole Declaration
I believe that the declarative code below is self-explainable, but you can anyway submit an issue, if something is not clear. However, it requires some knowledge in such modules like: cutie, cutie-if-else, cutie-cluster, cutie-json, cutie-rest, cutie-fs.
// server/run.js
const cluster = require('cluster')
const { as } = require('@cuties/cutie')
const { If, Else } = require('@cuties/if-else')
const { IsMaster, ClusterWithForkedWorkers, ClusterWithExitEvent } = require('@cuties/cluster')
const { Value } = require('@cuties/json')
const Config = require('./../async/Config')
const PrintedStage = require('./../async/PrintedStage')
const ReloadedBackendOnFailedWorkerEvent = require('./events/ReloadedBackendOnFailedWorkerEvent')
const LaunchedBackend = require('./async/LaunchedBackend')
const TunedWatchers = require('./async/TunedWatchers')
const numCPUs = require('os').cpus().length
const env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'local'
const devEnv = env === 'local' || env === 'dev'
new Config('./config.json').as('CONFIG').after(
new Config('./package.json').as('PACKAGE_JSON').after(
new If(
new IsMaster(cluster),
new PrintedStage(as('CONFIG'), as('PACKAGE_JSON'), `RUN (${env})`).after(
new If(
new TunedWatchers(as('CONFIG'))
new If(
new Value(as('CONFIG'), `${env}.clusterMode`),
new ClusterWithForkedWorkers(
new ClusterWithExitEvent(
new ReloadedBackendOnFailedWorkerEvent(cluster)
), numCPUs
new Else(
new LaunchedBackend(as('CONFIG'))
new Else(
new LaunchedBackend(as('CONFIG'))
In few words, here running process runs a server with REST API (in the cluster mode by default) and attaches fs watchers on pages
, static
, templates
directories(in local
and dev
environments). FS watchers are declared by TunedWatchers
object which is defined in this script. Also in the cluster mode failed processes restart automatically.
As you can see here, we get some parameters like post
and host
from config.json
. Also, you can notice that it's possible to run server in cluster mode.
It's just an example of how it could be built and worked. But, of course, you can configure it differently due to your requirements (it's quite configurable code).
Page supports the idea of EHTML for building the front-end.
Static Generator
This library is very simple tool for generating html pages from different templates combining them.
We can build html page from these two templates:
<!-- outer.html -->
<div class="outer">
{{ text }}
<div class="place-for-inner-template">
{{ innerTemplate }}
<!-- inner.html -->
<div class="inner">
{{ text }}
using following composition:
const { SavedPage, PrettyPage, Page, Head, Body, Script, Style, TemplateWithParams, Template } = require('@page-libs/static-generator')
new SavedPage(
new PrettyPage(
new Page(
'xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en"',
new Head(
new Script('script1.js', 'type="text/javascript"'),
new Script('script2.js', 'type="text/javascript"'),
new Style('main.css', 'type="text/css"'),
new Style('mobile.css', 'type="text/css"')
new Body(
new TemplateWithParams(
new Template('outer.html'),
'text in outer template',
new TemplateWithParams(
new Template('inner.html'),
'text in inner template'
The result is
<!-- page.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en">
<script src="script1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="script2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css" type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="mobile.css" type="text/css">
<body class="main">
<div class="outer">
text in outer template
<div class="place-for-inner-template">
<div class="inner">
text in inner template
You can find more information about usage here.