GeocodeJSON adapter for OpenCage Geocoding API
GeocodeJSON packages are a collection of small utility to work with geocoding API such as Google Geocoding API, HERE Geocoding API, Opencage, etc... As well as self hosted solution like Mimirsbrunn.
These packages provide a simple inteface for geocoding addresses exposing the underlying APIs filtering capabilities while returning all response in a standard format: GeocodeJSON, a GeoJSON extension.
These packages leverage
to work on both backend & frontend
Geocode & format to GeocodeJSON using OpenCage
import { geocode, parse, getFetchArgs } from '@p-j/geocodejson-opencage'
// if you want to use your own fetch wrapper / http library
const { url, options } = getFetchArgs({
address: 'Place de la République, Paris, France',
language: 'fr',
bounds: [2.3622065, 48.8662754697085, 2.3657448, 48.8689734302915],
countrycode: 'FR',
// url = 'https://api.opencagedata.com/geocode/v1/geojson?address=Place+de+la+R%C3%A9publique%2C+Paris%2C+France&apiKey=YOUR-OPENCAGE-API-KEY-HERE&bounds=2.3622065%2C48.8662754697085%2C2.3657448%2C48.8689734302915&countrycode=FR&language=fr'
// options = { method: 'GET' }
// using cross-fetch; also adds the "query" property to the response
const rawResponseFromOpenCageApis = await geocode({
address: 'Place de la République, Paris, France',
language: 'fr',
bounds: [2.3622065, 48.8662754697085, 2.3657448, 48.8689734302915],
countrycode: 'FR',
limit: 1,
no_annotations: 1,
pretty: 1,
// {
// "documentation": "https://opencagedata.com/api",
// "features": [
// {
// "geometry": {
// "coordinates": [
// 2.36395835522559,
// 48.86754205
// ],
// "type": "Point"
// },
// "properties": {
// "bounds": {
// "northeast": {
// "lat": 48.8684016,
// "lng": 2.3653731
// },
// "southwest": {
// "lat": 48.8666808,
// "lng": 2.3626022
// }
// },
// "components": {
// "ISO_3166-1_alpha-2": "FR",
// "ISO_3166-1_alpha-3": "FRA",
// "_category": "travel/tourism",
// "_type": "attraction",
// "attraction": "Place de la République",
// "city": "Paris",
// "city_block": "Quartier de la Porte-Saint-Martin",
// "city_district": "Paris",
// "continent": "Europe",
// "country": "France",
// "country_code": "fr",
// "political_union": "European Union",
// "postcode": "75010",
// "region": "France métropolitaine",
// "road": "Rue Yves Toudic",
// "state": "Île-de-France",
// "state_code": "IDF",
// "suburb": "Paris 10e Arrondissement"
// },
// "confidence": 9,
// "formatted": "Place de la République, Rue Yves Toudic, 75010 Paris, France"
// },
// "type": "Feature"
// }
// ],
// "licenses": [
// {
// "name": "see attribution guide",
// "url": "https://opencagedata.com/credits"
// }
// ],
// "status": {
// "code": 200,
// "message": "OK"
// },
// "stay_informed": {
// "blog": "https://blog.opencagedata.com",
// "twitter": "https://twitter.com/OpenCage"
// },
// "thanks": "For using an OpenCage API",
// "timestamp": {
// "created_http": "Fri, 03 Dec 2021 16:45:14 GMT",
// "created_unix": 1638549914
// },
// "total_results": 1,
// "type": "FeatureCollection",
// "query": "Place de la République, Paris, France"
// }
const geocodeJSONFormatedResults = parse(rawResponseFromOpenCageApis)
// {
// "geocoding": {
// "version": "0.1.0",
// "licence": "https://www.opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl",
// "attribution": {
// "OpenStreetMap": "Geodata © OpenStreetMap contributors",
// "OpenCage": "Geodata provided by OpenCage"
// },
// "query": "Place de la République, Paris, France"
// },
// "type": "FeatureCollection",
// "features": [
// {
// "geometry": {
// "coordinates": [
// 2.36395835522559,
// 48.86754205
// ],
// "type": "Point"
// },
// "properties": {
// "geocoding": {
// "accuracy": 9,
// "type": "attraction",
// "label": "Place de la République, Rue Yves Toudic, 75010 Paris, France",
// "geohash": "u09wjb16h",
// "street": "Rue Yves Toudic",
// "postcode": "75010",
// "city": "Paris",
// "district": "Paris",
// "state": "Île-de-France",
// "country": "France"
// }
// },
// "type": "Feature"
// }
// ]
// }