Simple tools to deal with the AES-256-CBC encryption and decryption of data with arbitrary lengths
is a pure Node.js set of simple tools to deal with the AES-256-CBC encryption and decryption of data with arbitrary lengths.
npm install @outofsync/aescrypt-helper
const AESCryptHelper = require('@outofsync/aescrypt-helper');
const secret = '41e8c08ff31f97547ac11cc47c29f8ce5cb187a70ef09226c0f025c25c55b5b3';
const iv = '3816d1474cf82f3182b83c390d3e8eb5';
const creds = { secret: null, iv: null };
creds.secret = Buffer.from(secret, 'hex');
creds.iv = Buffer.from(iv, 'hex');
const aescyptHelper = new AESCryptHelper(creds.secret, creds.iv);
console.log(aescryptHelper.decryptiv(aescryptHelper.encryptiv('Test Message')));
API Reference
AESCryptHelper constructor(secret, iv[, separator]) ⟾ instanceof AESCryptHelper
Create an instance of AESCryptHelper using the secret
, and iv
(initialization vector). A separator
may also be specified to indicate how blocks are separated; however, this is unnecessary and only included
for backwards compatibility. By default, no separator is used.
Note: The iv
should exactly 16 bytes in length and the secret
should be exactly 32 bytes in length.
AESCryptHelper.encryptiv(data [, secret] [, iv]) ⟾ Buffer
Encrypt the data
Buffer with the configured secret
or the optionally passed secret
and the configured iv
or the optionally passed iv
. Returns the encrypted data in a Buffer.
AESCryptHelper.decryptiv(encryptedData [, secret] [, iv]) ⟾ Buffer
Decrypts the encryptedData
Buffer with the configured secret
or the optionally passed secret
and the configured iv
or the optionally passed iv
. Returns the decrypted data in a Buffer.
Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Out of Sync Studios LLC -- Licensed under the MIT license.