This repository contains a react implementation using Cesium. It will only work in Otovo context.
Tetris 3D
This repository contains a react implementation using Cesium. It will only work in Otovo context.
Install packages and run
Install yarn if not installed yet. Enter the root folder and run yarn.
Setup environment and Cesium ION
Copy dev-template.env
and rename it to .env
. Then, log into your account on Cesium, select the assets you would like to test and copy the IDs to the
environement file.
Local development
To run the local server:
yarn dev
Publishing the package
To make the package ready for publishing, you first have to run
yarn build
This creates css and build files in the dist
folder, which you export as a package.
To check the implementations locally you can use yalc.
To publish the package with yalc use this command.
yalc publish
In the project you want to test it, you can do that with the command
yalc add @otovo/[email protected]
Where the @x.x.x
is the version number specified in package.json
Remember to remove the yalc configuration in the other package after local testing.
yalc remove @otovo/[email protected]
To properly publish a new version use npm. Make sure you have an Otovo account.
npm publish
Deep dive
Cesium is a geospatial platform for 3D maps. We are using Cesium ion and their javascript package.
Cesium ion is a SaaS platform for creating and hosting geospatial data. Based on geotiff files it will create "assets" that is accessible via their javascript package. This means that Cesium handles a lot of the heavy lifting for us so that we don't have to create the 3D rasters ourself.