Shared components library for Cloud apps
React components
Otovo's React components for Cloud
Getting started
1. Install @otovo/shared-components
yarn add @otovo/shared-components
2. Build @otovo/shared-components
yarn build
3. Release a new version @otovo/shared-components
Assuming that you are logged in to your yarn account.
yarn publish
Working locally with @otovo/shared-components
Install yalc globally, i.e. yarn global add yalc
Then run
yalc publish
to publish the package in a local store on your computer.
In the repository you want to import the package in, run
yalc add @otovo/shared-components@<whatever version you published>`, # e.g., `@otovo/[email protected]
Then you should see your local package in node_modules in the the repository of your choice.