OSPIN device client sdk in JavaScript for HTTP communication
Documentation can be found here
Table of Contents
The @ospin/synapse is a JavaScript SDK to communicate to Ospin's HTTP API from a device. It is build on top of @aws-amplify. To use it, the device has to have a X509 certificate that was issued by the OSPIN cloud.
const synapse = require('@ospin/synapse')
synapse.configure() // set up the SDK for default usage
With the synapse configured, a device can authenticate with deviceId and the path to the X509 certificate
const deviceId = "707be014-1e80-482f-ae5c-b6b7b11a4ad2"
const pathToCert = "my/path/to/cert"
const { status } = await synapse.deviceAPI.authentication.validateAuthorization() // allows to validate your credentials
Use Example
// loading a process
const processId = "a3339d89-345b-4baf-9859-46a4542a505a"
const {
status: 200,
data: process,
} = await synapse.deviceAPI.process.get(processId)
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