Blockchain Deploy Kit
提供指令快速建立、管理、監控 blockchain,最大的特色是可以使用互動式的問答,讓使用者可以依續性的問答來完成指令所需要的指令,在每個 BDK 指令的後面,加入 -i
或是 --interactive
BDK streamlines the normally complicated process of creating a blockchain with command-line tools and npm packages. Creating, managing, monitoring a blockchain network has never been easier. We support interactive prompts which can be triggered with -i
or --interactive
behind all cli commands
bdk quorum network create -i
bdk fabric network create -i
版本 (Releases)
| Latest | Stable | | ---------------- | ---------------- | | v3.0.0 | v3.0.0 |
文件 (Documentation)
- 指令文件 CLI Documentation (Work in Progress)
- Fabric 使用範例 (Examples)
- Quorum 使用範例 (Examples)
- 開發指南 (Contributing)
- 資安通報 (Security Issues)
安裝流程 (Getting Started)
環境 (Prerequisites)
- npm + nodejs node v18, npm v9
- docker
- docker-compose >= 1.27
- docker-desktop(MacOS) Need Allow Docker Sockers in Advanced Options
- eslint (vscode plugin, dev-only)
主程式安裝 (Installation)
直接安裝 (Direct Install)
npm install -g @cathaybc/bdk@latest
# 初始化 (initialize)
bdk fabric config init
從原始碼安裝 (Install from Source)
git clone https://github.com/cathayddt/bdk.git
cd bdk
npm install
npm run build:console
設定 (Configuration)
設定自動完成 (Configure AutoComplete)
bdk completion
腳本 (script source is as follows)
# yargs command completion script
# Installation: bdk completion >> ~/.zshrc
# or bdk completion >> ~/.zsh_profile on OSX.
local reply
local si=$IFS
' reply=($(COMP_CWORD="$((CURRENT-1))" COMP_LINE="$BUFFER" COMP_POINT="$CURSOR" bdk --get-yargs-completions "${words[@]}"))
_describe 'values' reply
compdef _bdk_yargs_completions bdk
Hello BDK
使用以下的指令,可以確認 BDK 已安裝完成並且可以開始操作使用
Use the following command to verify that BDK has completed installation and is now ready to be used.
bdk hello
如果指令已順利安裝,你會看到 You have installed bdk successfully!!!
You will see You have installed bdk successfully!!!
if the command line tool is installed successfully.
建立一個 Test Network (Create a test network)
使用以下指令,可以建立一個簡單的 Hyperledger Fabric 網路
Use the following command to create a simple Hyperledger Fabric Network.
# create network
bdk fabric network create --test-network
# start orderer docker container (interactive mode)
bdk fabric orderer up -i
# start peer docker container (interactive mode)
bdk fabric peer up -i
src/quorum/instance/infra/kubernetes/charts follow quorum-kubernetes repository