## Installation Make sure your NodeJS version is up to date, as required in `package.json` in `engines` section.
Make sure your NodeJS version is up to date, as required in package.json
in engines
Use https://volta.sh/ to be able to easily install and use any version of NodeJS and NPM you need.
Run npm install --save-dev @osf.digital/linter
Edit your package.json
file and add the following scripts:
"lint:js": "osf-linter --linter=JS",
"lint:scss": "osf-linter --linter=SCSS",
"lint:isml": "osf-linter --linter=ISML",
"fix:js": "osf-fixer --fixer=JS",
"fix:scss": "osf-fixer --fixer=SCSS",
"fix:isml": "osf-fixer --fixer=ISML"
For additional help messages you can also run ./node_modules/.bin/osf-linter --help
or ./node_modules/.bin/osf-fixer --help
To configure OSF Linter and define the list of paths to be linted you will need to create a new file osflinter.paths.js
next to your package.json
file which should be at the root of your repo/project (if best practices are followed).
The contents of the osflinter.paths.js
should look like the bellow example, with each linter (see ./node_modules/.bin/osf-linter --help
for the available linters and thieir respective names) exporting an array of path patterns used by the linter to check the files. See https://github.com/sindresorhus/globby#globbing-patterns for the syntax supported for the patterns.
module.exports.JS = [
"cartridges/app_demo/**/*.js", // include all JS files from the app_demo cartridge
"!cartridges/app_demo/cartridge/client/default/js/specific-file.js" // exclude this JavaScript file using a path pattern that begins with "!"
module.exports.SCSS = [
module.exports.ISML = [
Next you need to create these three new files next to your package.json
file which should be at the root of your repo/project:
with the following contents:
module.exports = require("@osf-global/linter/config/.eslintrc");
If you want to customize the default rules you can do that by either setting the specific properties that you want directly on the module.exports
object or by using a variable that you then reexport.
module.exports = require("@osf-global/linter/config/.eslintrc");
# Using single quotes
module.exports.rules.quotes = ["error", "single"];
A good example is setting up default SFCC globals and adding support of ES6 for your client side code.
module.exports = require("@osf-global/linter/config/.eslintrc");
module.exports.overrides = [
// Setting up default SFCC globals
files: ["cartridges/*/cartridge/{controllers,models,scripts}/**/*.js"],
globals: {
dw: true,
customer: true,
session: true,
request: true,
response: true,
empty: true,
webreferences: true
// Adding support for ES6 code in the client folder for your cartridge
files: ["cartridges/*/cartridge/client/*/js/**/*.js"],
parser: "babel-eslint",
parserOptions: {
ecmaVersion: 6,
sourceType: "module",
allowImportExportEverywhere: false
env: {
browser: true,
commonjs: true,
es6: true,
jquery: true
globals: {
__webpack_public_path__: true
with the following contents:
module.exports = require("@osf-global/linter/config/.stylelintrc");
If you want to customize the default rules you can do that by either setting the specific properties that you want directly on the module.exports
object or by using a variable that you then reexport.
module.exports = require("@osf-global/linter/config/.stylelintrc");
# Using two spaces for indentation
module.exports.rules.indentation = 2;
with the following contents:
module.exports = require("@osf-global/linter/config/.ismllintrc");
If you want to customize the default rules you can do that by either setting the specific properties that you want directly on the module.exports
object or by using a variable that you then reexport.
module.exports = require("@osf-global/linter/config/.ismllintrc");
# Using two spaces for indentation
module.exports.rules.indent = {value: 2};
You can find all available rules and configurations for Isml Linter here.
See https://github.com/OSFDigital/Linter/graphs/contributors for a list of people that contributed to this project