Mock blockchain environment for simulating CosmWasm interactions
This package combines cosmwasm-vm-js
with additional abstractions and state management to
more accurately simulate the effects of CosmWasm contracts on the blockchain environments on which
they are hosted.
- configure multiple host chain environments with chain-specific settings / state
- multiple simultaneous contract instances can exist per chain
- chain modules can be simulated through custom user code
- Simulating block creation
- extensible for further instrumentation via custom middlewares
- Simulating IBC states
- Gas simulation
- Simulating address native balances.
- Download current contract states on the mainnet for simulation
Getting Started
Import the cw-simulate
library from NPM in your package.json
$ npm install "@oraichain/cw-simulate" --save-dev
If you're using Yarn:
$ yarn add "@oraichain/cw-simulate" -D
- Create a
object - this is a simulation environment describing a single chain that extends SigningCosmWasmClient. - As needed, per chain:
- Upload the WASM bytecode using
. This will register a newcodeId
to reference the uploaded contract code. - Create a new contract instance using
, passing in thecodeId
generated in the previous step. - From the response, retrieve the
to refer to the contract instance.
- Upload the WASM bytecode using
- You can now run
messages against the instance, and they should work as expected.
- As needed:
- Mint, burn, set native balances for addresses.
- Create IBC channels and invoke IBC receive messages.
- Fork contract states at a given height, called A, and apply cosmwasm txs from height A to height B for testing and debugging.
Below are cw-simulate
examples that simulate CosmWasm, bank, and IBC modules. If you want us to support another type of module, please create an issue request!
CosmWasm Contract Interaction
import { sha256 } from '@cosmjs/crypto';
import { fromHex, toHex } from '@cosmjs/encoding';
import fs from 'fs';
import { SimulateCosmWasmClient } from '@oraichain/cw-simulate';
import { instantiate2Address } from '@cosmjs/cosmwasm-stargate';
// import the wasm bytecode
const bytecode = fs.readFileSync('./testing/hello_world-aarch64.wasm');
const sender = 'orai12zyu8w93h0q2lcnt50g3fn0w3yqnhy4fvawaqz';
describe('SimulateCosmWasmClient', () => {
it('works', async () => {
const client = new SimulateCosmWasmClient({
chainId: 'Oraichain',
bech32Prefix: 'orai',
metering: true
// deploy
const { codeId } = await client.upload(sender, bytecode, 'auto');
const { contractAddress } = await client.instantiate(sender, codeId, { count: 10 }, '', 'auto');
// execute the contract
const result = await client.execute(
increment: {}
// query
expect(await client.queryContractSmart(contractAddress, { get_count: {} })).toEqual({ count: 11 });
IBC mocks with opening channels and receiving IBC messages
import { coin, coins } from '@cosmjs/amino';
import { fromBinary, toBinary } from '@cosmjs/cosmwasm-stargate';
import { fromBech32, toBech32 } from '@cosmjs/encoding';
import { CosmosMsg, IbcMsgTransfer } from '@oraichain/cosmwasm-vm-js';
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
import { CWSimulateApp } from '../CWSimulateApp';
import { AppResponse, IbcOrder } from '../types';
import { ibcDenom } from './ibc';
const terraChain = new CWSimulateApp({
chainId: 'test-1',
bech32Prefix: 'terra'
const oraiChain = new CWSimulateApp({
chainId: 'Oraichain',
bech32Prefix: 'orai'
const oraiSenderAddress = 'orai1g4h64yjt0fvzv5v2j8tyfnpe5kmnetejvfgs7g';
const bobAddress = 'orai1ur2vsjrjarygawpdwtqteaazfchvw4fg6uql76';
const terraSenderAddress = toBech32(terraChain.bech32Prefix, fromBech32(oraiSenderAddress).data);
describe.only('IBCModule', () => {
let oraiPort: string;
let terraPort: string = 'transfer';
let contractAddress: string;
beforeEach(async () => {
const reflectCodeId = oraiChain.wasm.create(
readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'testing', 'reflect.wasm'))
const ibcReflectCodeId = oraiChain.wasm.create(
readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'testing', 'ibc_reflect.wasm'))
const oraiRet = await oraiChain.wasm.instantiateContract(
{ reflect_code_id: reflectCodeId },
contractAddress = (oraiRet.val as AppResponse).events[0].attributes[0].value;
oraiPort = 'wasm.' + contractAddress;
it('handle-reflect', async () => {
oraiChain.ibc.relay('channel-0', oraiPort, 'channel-0', terraPort, terraChain);
const channelOpenRes = await terraChain.ibc.sendChannelOpen({
open_init: {
channel: {
counterparty_endpoint: {
port_id: oraiPort,
channel_id: 'channel-0'
endpoint: {
port_id: terraPort,
channel_id: 'channel-0'
order: IbcOrder.Ordered,
version: 'ibc-reflect-v1',
connection_id: 'connection-0'
expect(channelOpenRes).toEqual({ version: 'ibc-reflect-v1' });
const channelConnectRes = await terraChain.ibc.sendChannelConnect({
open_ack: {
channel: {
counterparty_endpoint: {
port_id: oraiPort,
channel_id: 'channel-0'
endpoint: {
port_id: terraPort,
channel_id: 'channel-0'
order: IbcOrder.Ordered,
version: 'ibc-reflect-v1',
connection_id: 'connection-0'
counterparty_version: 'ibc-reflect-v1'
{ key: 'action', value: 'ibc_connect' },
{ key: 'channel_id', value: 'channel-0' }
// get reflect address
let packetReceiveRes = await terraChain.ibc.sendPacketReceive({
packet: {
data: toBinary({
who_am_i: {}
src: {
port_id: terraPort,
channel_id: 'channel-0'
dest: {
port_id: oraiPort,
channel_id: 'channel-0'
sequence: terraChain.ibc.sequence++,
timeout: {
block: {
revision: 1,
height: terraChain.height
relayer: terraSenderAddress
const res = fromBinary(packetReceiveRes.acknowledgement) as { ok: { account: string } };
const reflectContractAddress = res.ok.account;
// set some balance for reflect contract
oraiChain.bank.setBalance(reflectContractAddress, coins('500000000000', 'orai'));
// send message to bob on oraichain
packetReceiveRes = await terraChain.ibc.sendPacketReceive({
packet: {
data: toBinary({
dispatch: {
msgs: [
bank: {
send: {
to_address: bobAddress,
amount: coins(123456789, 'orai')
src: {
port_id: terraPort,
channel_id: 'channel-0'
dest: {
port_id: oraiPort,
channel_id: 'channel-0'
sequence: terraChain.ibc.sequence++,
timeout: {
block: {
revision: 1,
height: terraChain.height
relayer: terraSenderAddress
Manipulate native balances
import { BankMsg } from '@oraichain/cosmwasm-vm-js';
import { cmd, exec, TestContract } from '../../testing/wasm-util';
import { CWSimulateApp } from '../CWSimulateApp';
import { BankQuery } from './bank';
type WrappedBankMsg = {
bank: BankMsg;
const coin = (denom: string, amount: string | number) => ({ denom, amount: `${amount}` });
describe.only('BankModule', () => {
let chain: CWSimulateApp;
beforeEach(function () {
chain = new CWSimulateApp({
chainId: 'test-1',
bech32Prefix: 'terra'
it('handle send', () => {
// Arrange
const bank = chain.bank;
// Set balance to arbitrary address
bank.setBalance('alice', [coin('foo', 1000)]);
// Can also send to other addresses
bank.send('alice', 'bob', [coin('foo', 100)]).unwrap();
// Assert
expect(bank.getBalance('alice')).toEqual([coin('foo', 900)]);
expect(bank.getBalance('bob')).toEqual([coin('foo', 100)]);
alice: [coin('foo', 900)],
bob: [coin('foo', 100)]
Load fork state from mainnet
import { DownloadState } from '@oraichain/cw-simulate';
const downloadState = new DownloadState('https://rpc.orai.io', path.resolve(__dirname, 'data'));
await downloadState.loadState(client, senderAddress, contractAddress, 'label');
Fork contract states and apply production cosmwasm txs for testing and debugging
Besides downloading production contract states, you can also download states from a custom chain height, called A, and apply cosmwasm txs from height A to B. Instead of spending hours forking the entire chain, it only takes a few seconds to replay your production transactions.
Below is an example from a demo file that demonstrates the power of cw-simulate:
import { resolve } from 'path';
import { SyncState } from './sync';
import dotenv from 'dotenv';
import { COSMOS_CHAIN_IDS, ORAI } from '@oraichain/common';
const SENDER = 'orai1hvr9d72r5um9lvt0rpkd4r75vrsqtw6yujhqs2';
(async () => {
const startHeight = 36975366;
const endHeight = 36975369;
const syncState = new SyncState(
{ rpc: process.env.RPC ?? 'https://rpc.orai.io', chainId: COSMOS_CHAIN_IDS.ORAICHAIN, bech32Prefix: ORAI },
resolve(__dirname, '../', 'data')
const relatedContracts = [
const customWasmCodePaths = {
orai12sxqkgsystjgd9faa48ghv3zmkfqc6qu05uy20mvv730vlzkpvls5zqxuz: resolve(
const { results, simulateClient } = await syncState.sync(
console.dir(results, { depth: null });
- Firstly, we initialize a
instance, passing several basic arguments, from contract admins, chain infos, and the location to store contract states. - The next and final step is to call the
method, which allows us to fork and apply txs fromstartheight
are a set of related contracts that are used during the syncing process.customWasmCodePaths
is a Map, wherekey
is the contract address, andvalue
is the path to that contract's wasm code. If left empty, the contracts will use their wasm codes atstartHeight
returns a list of tx results, and thesimulateClient
, which holds all contract states atendHeight
after applying the txs.
This is essentially a small-scaled fork, allowing developers to use their custom wasm codes to debug and gain more insights of what happened in the past.
There's only one catch: you need an archived node to retrieve history states and txs. This requirement is understandable because without a node keeping old blocks and states, there's no way to retrieve them.
Real test-suites for production-grade dApps
We have applied cw-simulate
in almost every corner of Oraichain Labs' dApps, and they have worked wonders. See the following real test-suites:
Using with Vue.js and vite
Vite doesn't include shims for Node variables like Webpack 4 does, and cw-simulate currently relies on these. The following workaround exists:
- Add the
package (npm add buffer
) - Add the following to your
(inside thebody
tag, before your other js imports):
window.global = window;
<script type="module">
import { Buffer } from 'buffer';
window.Buffer = Buffer;
See this github issue for more details.