A JavasSript Open Source Library for Oraichain and possibly many other Cosmos network blockchains as well
:star: Was developed: Cosmostation
:star: Is developing: Oraichain
:star: Will develop: Oraichain and the community
A JavasSript Open Source Library for Oraichain, Cosmos Network and other Cosmos based networks using the latest Cosmos SDK Stargate version upgrade.
This library supports cosmos address generation and verification. It enables you to create an offline signature functions of different types of transaction messages. It will eventually support all the other blockchains that are based on Tendermint in the future.
In order to fully use this library, you need to run a local or remote network with at least a validator node and set up its rest server, which acts as an intermediary between the front-end and the node
npm install @oraichain/cosmosjs
yarn add @oraichain/cosmosjs
const Cosmos = require("@oraichain/cosmosjs").default;
ES6 module
import Cosmos from "@oraichain/cosmosjs";
- Cosmos: Generate Cosmos address from mnemonic
const Cosmos = require("@oraichain/cosmosjs").default;
const lcdUrl = "http://localhost:1317";
const chainId = "Oraichain";
const mnemonic = "foo bar";
const toAddr = "orai1x6xl5kls4xkmkv3rst5tndmxtqt0u8dxhnw7cg";
const amount = 10;
const fees = 100;
const message = Cosmos.message;
const cosmos = new Cosmos(lcdUrl, chainId);
const childKey = cosmos.getChildKey(mnemonic);
const address = cosmos.getAddress(mnemonic);
Transfer ORAI to designated address.
const msgSend = new message.cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend({
from_address: cosmos.getAddress(childKey),
to_address: toAddr,
amount: [{ denom: cosmos.bech32MainPrefix, amount: String(amount) }]
const msgSendAny = new message.google.protobuf.Any({
type_url: '/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend',
value: message.cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend.encode(msgSend).finish()
const txBody = new message.cosmos.tx.v1beta1.TxBody({
messages: [msgSendAny],
memo: ''
try {
const response = cosmos.submit(childKey, txBody, 'BROADCAST_MODE_BLOCK', isNaN(fees) ? 0 : parseInt(fees)).then((response) => { console.log(response) });
} catch (ex) {
Run the script
Assume the filename is demo.js. Run:
node demo.js
Supporting Message Types (Updating...)
- Since we have Typescript, you can easily know which message types the library supports. We will update the list of message types often.
This library is simple and easy to use. We don't have any formal documentation yet other than examples. Ask for help if our examples aren't enough to guide you
- Contributions, suggestions, improvements, and feature requests are always welcome
When opening a PR with a minor fix, make sure to add #trivial to the title/description of said PR.
Cosmostation's Services and Community
- Official Website
- Mintscan Explorer
- Web Wallet
- Android Wallet
- iOS Wallet
- Telegram - International
- Kakao - Koreans
Oraichain's Services and Community
Contributors ✨
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!