Module for http based inter-service-communication for OpusCapitaBusinessNetwork.
WARNING: Starting with version 1.0, calls to the methods .get(), .post(), .put(), .patch() and .delete() will resolve and reject the returned promises in a different way that is not compatible to prior versions anymore. In order to be able to rate a server response in an enhanced way, resolved promises get an array passed as input value containing two indexes. The first array index (0) inside represents the result body sent by the remote server. The second index (1) represents a light-weight response object containing status code and headers sent. Rejected promises are getting an Error object as usual containing the original (unparsed) result body inside their message property. And additional property called response provides status code and header sent.
This module provides a simple client class for inter-service communication for OpusCapita Business Network. It is used for easily accessing remote HTTP services and is designed to use Consul in order to dynamically get endpoint configurations to access the target service requested.
To have a look at the full API, please visit the related wiki page.
Minimum setup
First got to your local code directory and run:
npm install @opucapita/service-client
To go with the minimum setup, you need to have access to a running Consul server to get your endpoint configuration. Additionally you need a running web server to use the ServiceClient class.
If all this is set up, go to you code and add the following command:
const ServiceClient = require('@opucapita/service-client');
var client = new ServiceClient({ consul : { host : '{{your-consul-host}}' } });
// main => name of service endpoint in Consul.
// / => path to access on the web server.
client.get('main', '/').spread((result, response) => console.log(result, response));
// example: response contains an error.
client.get('main', '/invalid').catch(e => console.log(e.message, e.response.statusCode));
Result and Response objects
On resolve
When a returned request promise is resolved, two objects are passed as the result. The first contains the actual object returned from the server, the second contains information about the response context. This object is defined like this:
responseObject = {
statusCode : response.statusCode, // HTTP status code.
headers : response.headers, // Array of HTTP headers.
result : resultData, // Instance of the actual result object.
timeTaken : hrTimerResult // Duration of the service call in milliseconds .
On reject
If a returned request promise gets rejected, an Error object is passed to the catch methods available. The passed object gets extended by a response key containing a response object like defined above.
Time taken
The duration of a service call available in the responseObject is measured using the process.hrtime() function and represents the full time in milliseconds a request took including all its preparations and processing.
Origin service based authentication
ServiceClient allows using a service based authentication for service to service calls so an origin service can log-in using its own security credentials. To do calls using service credentials, you have to pass the forceServiceToken parameter to either of the request methods.
For configuration details see the originService key under DefaultConfig.
In order to use the consul configuration here, you have to provide the following keys set up in consul:
- {{your-service-name}}/service-client/client-username
- {{your-service-name}}/service-client/client-password
- {{your-service-name}}/service-client/scope
- {{your-service-name}}/service-client/client-key
- {{your-service-name}}/service-client/client-secret
The following keys are optional:
- {{your-service-name}}/originService/authService/name
Default configuration
The default configuration object provides hints about what the module's standard behavior is like.
mode : process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? ServiceClient.Mode.Dev : ServiceClient.Mode.Productive,
serializer : JSON.stringify,
parser : JSON.parse,
parserContentType : 'application/json',
serializerContentType : 'application/json',
alwaysResolveResponses : false,
timeout : 60000,
logger : null,
consul : {
host : 'consul'
additionalHeaders : {
'Content-Type' : 'application/json',
'X-Service-Type' : 'ocbesbn'
context : {
headers : { }
caching : {
driver : 'memory',
defaultExpire : 600
originService: {
getConfigFromConsul : true,
authService : {
name : 'auth'
username : null,
password : null,
scope : null,
clientKey : null,
clientSecret : null,
scope : 'id, roles',
tokenKey : 'X-USER-ID-TOKEN'