OpusCapita cache abstraction library
Cache library for OpusCapita. By default it ships with three cache providers: dummy, memory and redis.
To have a look at the full API, please visit the related wiki page.
Minimum setup
First got to your local code directory and run:
npm install @opuscapita/cache
If you are using the redis back-end, you'll need to have access to a running Consul server to get your endpoint configuration and a Redis server to connect to.
If all this is set up, go to you code and add the following command:
const Cache = require('@opuscapita/cache');
var cache = new Cache(); // using default: Memory driver
cache.put('hello', 'world').then(() => cache.get('hello')).then(console.log);
Default configuration
The default configuration object provides hints about what the module's standard behavior is like. In order to set plug-in (driver) specific configurations, you may add a sub-key to the configuration having the same name as the driver property you set and assign a configuration object there.
driver : 'memory',
keyPrefix: '',
defaultExpire: 600, // in seconds
pluginDirectory: 'plugins'
Example including memory driver configuration:
const Cache = require('@opuscapita/cache');
var cache = new Cache({
driver : 'memory',
keyPrefix: '',
checkPeriod: 10,
memory: {
checkPeriod: 600,
useClones: true
redis: {
consul: {
host: 'consul'
redis: {
endpointName: 'redis',
passwordKey: 'redis/password' // consul KV key name
Changes in version 1.2.0
If environment variable KUBERNETES_SERVICE_DISCOVERY is set then config library is not used at all for service discovery. Redis port is read from REDIS_PORT environment variable (6379 is used by default if variable not set).
There is a feature? which cause redis/redis/ path in the configuration... In the future version this shall change
driver: "redis",
redis: {
consul: {
host: "consul"
serviceSecretPath: '/path'
retryCount: 50,
retryTimeout: 1000,
logger: null,
redis: {
endpointName: "redis",
passwordKey: "redis/password",
Added new option to change redis retry interval and count.