Utility to create subsets for Font Awesome 6 (Free and Pro) for use with Ruby on Rails + Propshaft.
FontAwesome Subset For Ruby on Rails CSS-Bundling
It's like TailwindCSS but for FontAwesome!
In Procfile.dev add
fontawesome: yarn build:fontawesome --watch
In package.json under "scripts" add
"build:fontawesome": "subset"
Some options you can add to the build:fontawesome subset command are:
Use Font Awesome Pro (requires subscription and your npm token to be setup beforehand)
"build:fontawesome": "subset --pro"
Remove all whitespace to make the file as small as possible. This option just adds the style="compressed" option to the sass compiler when it builds the output file.
"build:fontawesome": "subset --minify"
Sets the output path and filename. The default is app/assets/builds/fontawesome.css
"build:fontawesome": "subset --output app/assets/myfonts.css"
Create lib/tasks/build.rake and add the following
namespace :build do
desc "Builds FontAwesome by subsetting icons."
task :fontawesome do
unless system "yarn install && yarn build:fontawesome"
raise "cssbundling-rails: Command build:fontawesome failed, ensure yarn is installed and `yarn build:fontawesome` runs without errors"
Add this to your helper in app/helpers/application_helper.rb
# This has been adapted from the font-awesome-sass gem found at: https://github.com/FortAwesome/font-awesome-sass/blob/master/lib/font_awesome/sass/rails/helpers.rb
def icon(style, name, text = nil, html_options = {}, &block)
text, html_options = nil, text if text.is_a?(Hash)
style = style.to_s
name = name.to_s.dasherize
content_class = "#{ style } fa-#{ name }"
content_class << " #{html_options[:class]}" if html_options.key?(:class)
html_options[:class] = content_class
html = content_tag(:i, nil, html_options)
unless text.blank?
html = "#{ html } #{ text.to_s }"
if block_given?
html = "#{ html } #{ capture(block) }"
Reference the stylesheet in your layout:
= stylesheet_link_tag 'fontawesome'
After installation, run your proc file which will watch your development app and create icon subsets on the fly. In production during deploy your app should automatically run the rake task build:fontawesome and create the icon subsets and css.
Use the icon method from the helper as this is what we are scanning for to create subsets. The icon() method's first parameter is the icon type and can be a symbol (like :fas, :fad, :far, :fal, :fab, or :fass) or just a string (like this... "fas"). The second parameter is the actual icon name and can be a symbol (like :mug_hot, :file, or :poo) or a string (like "mug-hot" or "poo")
In your app you should reference your fonts like this:
icon(:fas, :mug_hot)
# OR
icon('fas', 'mug-hot')
# OR
icon :fas, :mug_hot
PRs welcome. If you need help just open an issue.
Special Thanks
Thanks to omacranger for the nifty fontawesome-subset package: https://github.com/omacranger/fontawesome-subset