New observer to track changes in other classes
This will help to receive a specific property change updates in your program. This package will help to handle the registration of the interest and also communication of the changes.
Getting Started
Lets assume that we are developping a travel portel and we want to disable the new reservations if the payment module is down. Instead of checeking everytime before presenting the page, we can register as observer with payment module. Based on last received status, we can decide on enable/disable the option
We can have multiple observers for receiving updates. We may also have the travel insurance module, which also needs payment service. We can register that also for the PaymentService Updates
This will have following classes to help with the same
Observer Observer that is interested in updates
Observable Observable, maintain observer registration and handles update communication
ObservableProperty Extends Observable and manages a single property
ObservableStatus Same as ObservableProperty, specialized for status
ObservableProperties Helps to manage multiple properties
Use standard NPM installation command to install @oprasad/observer from command prompt. Alternatively you can install oprasad, that will include this also.
npm install --save @oprasad/observer
Observer is the one who is interested in changes in other module/class. In this case it will be booking module. any class can implement IObserver interface to receive updates. The class will have to implement handleUpdate
The Observer interface has following API to be implemented in subclasses
public handleUpdate(observable: Observable, property: string, value: any)
Handle the property change to value received from observable
IObserver has to be imported in the Observer calss
import {IObserver} from 'oprasad/lib/observer/IObserver'
Implement IObserver interface in the observer class. Register with Observable(PaymentService in this case) for status change update
class RegistrationService implements IObserver{
//register with payment service
//any other initialization
public handleUpdate(observable: Observable, property: string, value: any) {
console.log('Received ' + property + ' property change to ' + value + ' from ' + observable)
//code required to enable/disable reservations
alternatively we can choose to have Observer variable inline implementation
let allObserver = {} as IObserver;
allObserver.handleUpdate = (observableReceived: Observable, property: string, value: any) => {
console.log('Received ' + property + ' property change to ' + value + ' from ' + observable)
//code required to enable/disable reservations
//register with payment service
Observable class will have all the mechanism for register observers and communication of updates. The PaymentService can extend the same to communicate updates
The Observable will have following API to be register observers and communicate
public register(observer : IObserver)
Register the observer for property updates
public unregister(observer : IObserver)
UnRegister the observer
public communicate(property : string, value : any)
Inform the observers that property has changed to value
The class maintaining the observable property has to be imported in the Observable calss
import {Observable} from '@oprasad/observer'
There are two ways to create Observable class.
extend Observable
Extend the Observable and implement the observer(PaymentService in this case) class
class PaymentService extends Observable{
//Paymentservice implementation
Whenever there is any change in the status, observer(PaymentService in this case) has to communicate to all the observers through communicate method
class PaymentService extends Observable{
status : string;
public updateStatus(status : string) {
this.status = status
//any other code needed to handle status change
this.communicate(this, 'Status', this.status);
//all otrher payment service code
Observable as variable
If the observable is already extending for other base class, we can proceed as variable. The PaymentService can maintain the Observable variable and all the related methods has to be implemented to redirect to observable
class PaymentService extends Observable{
observable : Observable;
status : string;
//initialize Observable
observable = new Observable();
//any other initialization like status etc
public register(observer){
public unregister(observer){
public updateStatus(status : string) {
this.status = status
//any other code needed to handle status change
observable.communicate(this, 'Status' this.status);
//all otrher payment service code
ObservableProperty will relieve you from maintaining the property(status in this case). This also gives additional functionality to register only for specific status instead of receiving all updates. This also can be used similar to Observer with following changes
The ObservableProperty will extend [Observable](#observable) and have following additional API for property specific registrations
public register(observer : IObserver, value ?: any)
Register the observer for specific property value. Observer will be informed only when property value changes to this value
If the value is not defined, observer will be informed every time the property changes
public unregister(observer : IObserver, value ?: any)
UnRegister the observer
public setProperty(value : any)
set the property value to the input value. THis will automatically trigger the communication to observers based on registration
public getProperty() : any
returns current value of the property
The class maintaining the observable property has to be imported in the ObservableProperty calss
import {ObservableProperty} from '@oprasad/observer'
ObservableProperty constructor will take property name and optional initial value as inputs. This will help to store the property name to communicate to the observers. Observers will be informed only if there is a change in status
class PaymentService extends ObservableProperty{
//initialize ObservableProperty with initial value of status as Active
super('Status', 'Active');
//any other initialization like status etc
//all otrher payment service code
Property Updates
ObservableProperty has set and get methods for the class to update/access the property. When ever the property modified through setProperty method, all the observers will be communicated based on their registration
public updateStatus(status : string) {
//any other code needed to handle status change
Observer registration
Observer can register to all the updates similar to Observable. Apart from that ObservableProperty provides option to register for a specific value
let activeObserver = {} as IObserver;
activeObserver.handleUpdate = (observableReceived: Observable, property: string, value: any) => {
console.log('Received ' + property + ' property change to ' + value + ' from ' + observable)
//code required to enable reservations
//register with payment service
PaymentService.register(activeObserver, 'Active');
let downObserver = {} as IObserver;
downObserver.handleUpdate = (observableReceived: Observable, property: string, value: any) => {
console.log('Received ' + property + ' property change to ' + value + ' from ' + observable)
//code required to disable reservations
//register with payment service
PaymentService.register(downObserver, 'Down');
This is just a specific extension of ObservableProperty. Most of the times, we will have status as observable property. So this gives some convinience methods
The ObservableProperty will extend [ObservableProperty](#observableproperty) and have following additional API for property specific registrations
public setStatus(value : string)
set the status to the input value. THis will automatically trigger the communication to observers based on registration
public getStatus() : strring
returns current status
The class maintaining the status has to be imported in the ObservableStatus calss
import {ObservableStatus} from '@oprasad/observer'
ObservableStatus can be instantiated with out property name. Use setStatus and getStatus methods instead of corresponding Property methods
class PaymentService extends ObservableStatus{
//initialize ObservableStatus with initial value of status as Active
//any other initialization like status etc
public updateStatus(status : string) {
//any other code needed to handle status change
//all otrher payment service code
ObservableProperty will help to track only one property. What if we want to observe multiple properties. Lets assume that PaymentService uses some dynamic service charges. The registration service will be interested in both the status and also service charges.
One way to handle multiple properties is to have multiple ObservableProperties and have methods to manage them. Alternatively, ObservableProperties will help to maintain multiple properties and communicate to Observers according to their registration. This also gives additional functionality to register only for specific property and Property value instead of receiving all updates. This also can be used similar to Observer with following changes
The ObservableProperty will extend [Observable](#observable) and have following additional API for property and value specific registrations
public register(observer : IObserver, property ?: string, value ?: any)
Register the observer for specific property and value. Observer will be informed only when the specific property value changes to this value.
If the value is not defined, observer will be informed every time the specific property changes
If the property is not defined, observer will be informed of any property changes
public unregister(observer : IObserver, property ?: string, value ?: any)
UnRegister the observer
public addProperty(property : string, value : any){
Add a new property with initial value for monitoring
public removeProperty(property : string)
remove property from monitoring
public setProperty(property : string, value : any)
set the property value to the input value. THis will automatically trigger the communication to observers based on registration
public getProperty(property : string) : any
returns current value of the property
ObservableProperties has to be imported in the Observable class(PaymentService in this case)
import {ObservableProperties} from '@oprasad/observer'
class PaymentService extends ObservableProperties{
//all other payment service code
Adding the property to be observed
ObservableProperties has an interface to add and remove the properties to be onserved. The Observable class have to add the property before any registration for thgat property.
class PaymentService extends ObservableProperties{
//initialize ObservableProperties
//add Status and ServiceCharges
super.addProperty('Status', 'Active')'
super.addProperty('ServiceCharges', '2%')'
//any other initialization like status etc
//all other payment service code
Property Updates
ObservableProperties has set and get methods for the class to update/access the property. The setProperty method takes both property name and value as inputs. When ever the property modified through setProperty method, all the observers will be communicated based on their registration
public updateStatus(status : string) {
//any other code needed to handle status change
super.setProperty('Status', status);
Observer registration
Observer can register to all the updates similar to Observable. Apart from that ObservableProperty provides option to register for a specific property and value
let observer = {} as IObserver;
observer.handleUpdate = (observableReceived: Observable, property: string, value: any) => {
console.log('Received ' + property + ' property change to ' + value + ' from ' + observable)
//code required to handle property change
//register with payment service for all updates
//register with payment service for all status changes
PaymentService.register(observer, 'Status');
//register with payment service for only status changes to 'Active'
PaymentService.register(observer, 'Status', 'Active');
If you have any issues/suggesitions/feedback, please send a mail to [email protected]