Ts-Friendly Wrapper of FlexSearch
// cSpell:words blockdiag fontsize pdfwidth scaledwidth :kroki-fetch-diagram: = fs-esm
This project is based on FlexSearch. The available NodeJS/TS exports have issues. This re-packaging is designed to simplify server imports.
== Publication
The initial publication requires npm publish --access public
which confirms that this org-affiliated (@opigence.com) package
is intended to be public and not private. Subsequent updates can be managed via npx np
== Overview Circa 2023-01(Jan)-12 there are issues with rendering Kroki in Gitpod:
- It may be necessary to add a local Docker solution https://github.com/yuzutech/kroki
[blockdiag, target="FsTsOverview", format="svg", width="1024", pdfwidth="100%"", scaledwidth="100%"] .... blockdiag { //-- Adjust diagram-wide defaults. default_fontsize = 10; // Normally ~11 node_width = 60; // Normally 128 node_height = 15; // Normally 40 span_width = 30; // Default 64 span_height = 30; // Default 40 default_group_color = lightgrey;
'Data Source' [width=65, color = lightgrey]; parser [width=40, color = lightgreen]; IdMgr [label = "T to/from id", width=70, color = "#F0D0B0"]; normalizer1 [width=70, color = lightblue]; normalizer2 [width=70, color = lightblue]; normalizerN [width=70, color = lightblue]; splitter [width=50, color = "#B0F0D0"]; matchers [label="matcher(s)", width=65, color = orange]; stemmers [label="stemmer(s)", width=65, color = orange]; filters [label="filter(s)", width=55, color = orange]; indexer [width=50, color=pink];
//-- Node Linkages (currently without labels) 'Data Source' -- parser [folded, label = '[T, content]', fontsize = 4]; parser -> IdMgr [folded, label = '[T, content]', fontsize = 4] IdMgr -> normalizer1 [folded, label = '[id, content]', fontsize = 4]; group { color = "#8080A0" normalizer1 -> normalizer2 -> normalizerN } normalizerN -> splitter [folded, label = '[id, content]', fontsize = 4]; splitter -> matchers [folded, label = '[id, words]', fontsize = 4]; group { color = "#A08080"; label = "PIPELINE FUNCTIONS"; matchers -> stemmers -> filters } filters -> indexer [folded, label = '[id, words]', fontsize = 4];
} ....