Maintain Let's Encrypt certificates using Lambda
This is a package containing components for use with Pulumi, a tool for provisioning cloud infrastructure based on a description written with general purpose programming languages.
This package provides a component named LambdaCert
, which can be used to create the resources
needed to run Lambda Cert, a function for maintaining Let's Encrypt certificates using
AWS Lambda.
import { LambdaCert, LambdaCertOutputs, letsEncryptV2ProductionUrl } from "@operator-error/pulumi-lambda-cert"
async function main(): Promise<LambdaCertOutputs> {
return await LambdaCert.create("vault", {
// A Description of the purpose of this configuration (e.g. "Vault", "HAProxy"). Used in Tags.
description: "Vault",
// These tags will be applied to every object which supports tagging.
// Avoid using `Name`, since this will be overridden by many components.
baseTags: {
Project: "Staging Vault",
// The part of the domain name for which a certificate is required which does _not_
// form part of the hosted zone name. For example, if requesting a certificate for
// `*.vault.operator-error.com`, and the public hosted zone is for `operator-error.com`,
// `domainNamePrefix` should be set to `*.vault` (without a trailing `.`).
domainNamePrefix: "vault-staging",
// The part of the domain name for which a certificate is required which is included
// in the hosted zone name.
route53DomainName: "operator-error.com",
// The admin email address to provide to the ACME service when creating an account.
adminEmail: "[email protected]",
// The URL of the ACME server. Defaults to Let's Encrypt ACME V2 Staging. Constants
// are exported from the package for both Let's Encrypt staging and production.
acmeUrl: letsEncryptV2ProductionUrl,
// If set to true, add the certificate to an Java KeyStore encrypted with the same
// KMS key as the private key, and uploaded to the bucket along with the certificate
// and encrypted private key.
generateJavaKeyStore: true,
// If set to true, force delete the entire contents of the bucket when destroying
// the component using Pulumi. This can be useful for quick iteration in development
// when using a staging endpoint, though be wary of rate limits when using a real
// ACME service.
emptyBucketOnDestroy: true,
const outputs = main();
export const keyBucketArn = outputs.then(o => o.keyBucketArn);
export const keyBucketName = outputs.then(o => o.keyBucketName);
export const kmsKeyArn = outputs.then(o => o.kmsKeyArn);
export const kmsKeyId = outputs.then(o => o.kmsKeyId);
Running a pulumi preview
of the above program in the us-west-2
region results in the following:
❯ pulumi preview
Previewing update of stack 'vault-staging'
Previewing changes:
Type Name Plan Info
+ pulumi:pulumi:Stack pulumi-lambda-cert-test-vault-staging create
+ └─ operator-error:aws:LambdaCert vault-lambda-cert create
+ ├─ aws:iam:Role vault-lambda-cert-function-role create
+ │ └─ aws:iam:RolePolicy vault-lambda-cert-function-policy create
+ ├─ aws:kms:Key vault-lambda-cert-kms-key create
+ ├─ aws:s3:Bucket vault-lambda-cert-bucket create
+ ├─ aws:lambda:Function vault-lambda-cert-function create
+ │ └─ aws:lambda:Permission vault-lambda-cert-permission create
+ └─ aws:cloudwatch:EventRule vault-lambda-cert-schedule create
+ └─ aws:cloudwatch:EventTarget vault-lambda-cert-target create
info: 10 changes previewed:
+ 10 resources to create
This package is licensed under the Mozilla Public License, v2.0.
Please feel free to open issues or pull requests on GitHub.