A lit-element that lets users connect to web3
layout: widget title: "Web3 Enable" date: 2018-09-26 08:13:00 -0500 categories: widgets package: web3-enable code: html: |
<or-web3 manualEnable>
<div slot="locked">
This will display once web3 is enabled.
npm: "@openrelay/web3-account-element"
EIP-1102 introduced privacy mode to web3 clients. By default, the <or-web3>
element will automatically attempt to automatically connect to web3. Some
dApps, however, may wish to connect to web3 only after a user interaction.
The <or-web3-enable>
tag shows the user a "Connect Web3" button, which will
initiate this process manually.
To use the <or-web3-enable>
tag, add the manualEnable
attribute to the
element, and add the <or-web3-enable>
element to the locked
slot, as shown above. This will show a "connect" button if the user has not yet
approved your dApp to connect to web3, or if the user's web3 client is locked.
The <or-web3-enable>
tag attempts to detect whether the user has already
approved your dApp to connect to web3, and will automatically establish the
connection in such cases.