Storelocator Zero Components
StoreLocator Zero Components
Built on top StoreLocator library and Zero framework. StoreLocatorZeroComponents allows you to start using basic standard functionalities of Store Locator pages. It has been thinked to be Plug&Play and it is html data-attribute driven.
NOTE: in order to use this module you have to enable the react mode
of Zero.
Do not forget to pass and object while starting Zero via:
Zero.start( {} );
: main wrapper for all StoreLocator functionalitiesZMap
: wrapper for map and its eventsZSearch
: wrapper for Google Autocomplete ServiceZResults
: wrapper for result stores listZFilters
: wrapper for filtersZResultsCounter
: wrapper for the counter of the in-map pins
All of these components can be extended via extends
keyword in ES6
Start using
Structure/Order of components:
L ZStoreLocator
L ZSearch
L ZResults
L ZMap
L ZFilters
L ZResultsCounter
Add these few lines in you HTML page:
<div data-component="ZStoreLocator" data-zstorelocator-sl-markerkey="storeCode">
stores all StoreLocator initializing options. See StoreLocator doc for more details.
It casts these messages:
once StoreLocator module has been initialized and ready to be used. It passesStoreLocator
key in its messageStoreLocator:GeoJson:Loaded
each time a new GeoJson has been loaded from server. It passesgeojson
key in its message
You have to extend these methods:
-> it performs a new ajax request to server for retrieving new GeoJson.data
contains all data from page. It must return a PromisefilterResults(geojson, data)
-> it filters geojson result represented bygeojson
contains all data from page. It must return a new geojson objectsortResults(geojson, data)
-> it sorts the geojson resultset represented bygeojson
contains all data from page. It doesn't return value
Add these few lines in you HTML page:
<form data-component="ZSearch">
<input value="" type="text" name="search" />
<button type="button" class="search">Search</button>
<button type="button" class="geo-location">Geo Location</button>
ZSearch searches HTML element via input[name=search]
and button.search
selectors. They can be override via:
class MyCustomZSearch extends ZSearch {
get Selectors() {
return {
GeolocationButton: "my-custom-geo-location-selector",
SearchButton: "my-custom-search-selector",
SearchInput: "my-custom-input-text-selector"
It casts:
each time user searches via GoogleAutocompleteService. It passes:
place: geolocation -> the geolocation object
address: address_text -> the searched text
Add these few lines in your html page:
<div data-component="ZResults">
<span id="counter"></span>
<template id="template-store">
<ol id="results-list-container" >
ZResults searches html element via these selectors:
: "#template-store" -> the template element id (it will be parsed viaHandlebars
: "#results-list-container" -> container of stores listStoreListElement
: 'li.store-item' -> each store details element in the containerShowDetailsButton
: 'button.show-details' -> button for handle show details action within each store details elementHideDetailsButton
: 'button.hide-details' -> button for handle hide details action within each store details elementSpanCounter
: '#counter' -> the element which contains the label "{number} stores found"HighlightedClass
: "highlighted" -> the css class which will be added while user mouseovering on itemSelectedClass
: 'selected' -> the css class which will be added while user clicking on item
All of these selectors can be modified as per ZSearch
It casts:
-> each time user mouseovering/mouseleaving on an element in the listStoreLocator:List:Clicked
-> each time user clicking on 'show'/'hide' details buttons
Add these few lines in your html page:
<div data-component="ZMap" data-zmap-usecluster="true" data-zmap-map-pan_Control="false">
<div id="map-container" class="map"></div>
<button id="controls_zoom_in">+</button>
<button id="controls_zoom_out">-</button>
data-attribute prefixed by map
will be passed to GoogleMap while initializing the map. See GoogleMap doc for more details
ZMap searches html element via these selectors:
: "#map-container" -> the GoogleMap containerZoomIn
: "#controls_zoom_in" -> button which will handle the zoom in functionalityZoomOut
: "#controls_zoom_out" -> button which will handle the zoom out functionality
All of these selectors can be modified as per ZSearch
Moreover you can extends some methods in order to customize your requirements:
: method fired each time a new GeoJson has been loaded from server. It callsStoreLocator#showMarker
: method called for each marker while rendering pins on map. Here you can bind all marker's eventsbindStoreLocator
: method called on startup onceStoreLocator
module has been initialized. Here you can bind some events on StoreLocator
It casts:
each time user performs a new search via ZSearch and map has moved on that locationStoreLocator:Map:Ready
once Map is ready to useStoreLocator:Pin:Hover
each time user mouseovering/mouseleaving a pin on the mapStoreLocator:Pin:Clicked
each time user toggle-click on a pin on the map
Add these few lines in your html page:
<form data-component="ZFilters">
<span class="filters-counter"></span>
<button class="apply-filter-btn">Apply</button>
<button class="clear-filter-btn" type="reset">Clear</button>
- ZFilter must be a
since we're using jQuery's.serializeArray()
- Thus use in your form only tags allowed in
such asinputs, selects, textareas
- It comes out with its own filter counter
ZFilter searches html element via these selectors:
: ".filters-counter" -> is the counter for the applied filters. It will be filled usingtext()
function via jQueryApplyFiltersBtn
: ".apply-filter-btn" -> apply filters button. It also adds 'is-filtered' css class to the formClearFiltersBtn
: ".clear-filter-btn" -> clear filters button. It also removes 'is-filtered' css class from the form
It casts:
: when filters are applied (apply-button)Storelocator:Filter:Clear
: when filters are cleare (clear-button)
It uses react to set this property -> Zero.$state.StoreLocator.Filters
Add these few lines in your html page:
<span data-component="ZResultsCounter"></span>
ZResultsCounter only shows the current number of results (visible pins). It will be filled using text()
function via jQuery
It grabs:
: sincemsg.geojson.features
returns the number of on-map pins