This package can be used to very easily add maps to static web pages. Simply add the necessary scripts to you HTML. At minimum, you'll need the `ol-map` element and a layer, such as `ol-layer-openstreetmap`
Open Layers element bundle
This package can be used to very easily add maps to static web pages. Simply
add the necessary scripts to you HTML. At minimum, you'll need the ol-map
element and
a layer, such as ol-layer-openstreetmap
<script async defer src="/path/to/assets/@openlayers-elements/bundle/dist/ol-map.js" type="module"></script>
<script async defer src="/path/to/assets/@openlayers-elements/bundle/dist/ol-layer-openstreetmap.js" type="module"></script>
Consult the documentation for a list of available elements.
CDN usage
If you do not wish or cannot install the package, you can load the elements from a CDN, such as unpkg:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@openlayers-elements/bundle/dist/ol-map.js"></script>