This project is a **partial** implementation of the [Trello REST API](https://developers.trello.com/reference). Endpoints will be added as they are needed for projects.
This project is a partial implementation of the Trello REST API. Endpoints will be added as they are needed for projects.
Table of contents
Current functionality
npm install @openlab/trello-client
import { TrelloClient, labelColors } from '@openlab/trello-client'
// Load in environment variables
const { TRELLO_APP_KEY, TRELLO_TOKEN, BOARD_ID } = process.env
// Create a client instance
const trello = new TrelloClient(TRELLO_APP_KEY, TRELLO_TOKEN)
// Fetch the organizations for the current user
const orgs = await trello.fetchOrganizations()
// Fetch boards for the current user
const boards = await trello.fetchBoards()
// Fetch the labels from a board
const labels = await trello.fetchLabels(BOARD_ID)
// Fetch the lists on a board
const lists = await trello.fetchLists(BOARD_ID)
// Create a new label
const newLabel = await trello.createLabel(BOARD_ID, {
name: 'To-do',
color: 'sky'
// Create a new card
// See types.ts – CardRequest for more parameters
const newCard = await trello.createCard({
name: 'Document project',
desc: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.',
idList: 'some-list-mongo-id'
There are also types and interfaces exported from types.ts
Future work
- Add more endpoints
- Add more complex types to capture
query parameters which have varadic responses
To develop on this repo you will need to have node.js installed on your dev machine and have an understanding of it. This guide assumes you have the repo checked out and are on macOS, but equivalent commands are available.
You'll only need to follow this setup once for your dev machine.
# Install npm dependencies
npm install
Regular use
These are the commands you'll regularly run to develop the API, in no particular order.
# Run tests and re-run on changes
# -> Exit with control+C
npm run test -- --watch
Irregular use
These are commands you might need to run but probably won't, also in no particular order.
# Test-run the preversion hook
# -> Runs automated tests
# -> Compiles typescript to javascript
npm run preversion
# Compiles typescript to javascript
npm run build
# Generate the table of contents in this readme
npm run generate-toc
This repo uses unit tests
to ensure that everything is working correctly, guide development, avoid bad code and reduce defects.
The Jest package is used to run unit tests.
Tests are any file in src/
that end with .spec.ts
, by convention they are inline with the source code,
in a parallel folder called __tests__
# Run the tests
npm test -s
# Generate code coverage
npm run coverage -s
All commits to this repo must follow Conventional Commits. This ensures changes are structured and means the CHANGELOG.md can be automatically generated.
This standard is enforced through a commit-msg
hook using yorkie.
Code formatting
This repo uses Prettier to automatically format code to a consistent standard. It works using the yorkie and lint-staged packages to automatically format code whenever it is commited. This means that code that is pushed to the repo is always formatted to a consistent standard.
You can manually run the formatter with npm run prettier
if you want.
Prettier is slightly configured in package.json and will ignore files defined in .prettierignore.
This repo is responsible for the @openlab/trello-client
NPM package.
# Create a new version of the project
# -> Picks a new version based on the commits since the last version
# -> Following https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/
# -> Generates the CHANGELOG.md based on those commits
npm run release
# Push the version commit and tag to git
git push --follow-tags
# Publish the npm package
npm publish
The code on https://github.com/unplatform/trello-client is a mirror of https://openlab.ncl.ac.uk/gitlab/catalyst/trello-client