Package for handling packages. Used to run packakes in [docker](https://hub.docker.com/r/openiap/nodeagent), native on the os as a daemon, and in user desktop with [assistant](https://github.com/openiap/assistant)
Package for handling packages. Used to run packakes in docker, native on the os as a daemon, and in user desktop with assistant
npm i @openiap/nodeagent
run as
to install on linux/macos
npx -y @openiap/nodeagent
On windows, make sure you are running as local system. This is due to, the service will be running as local system as well. So then NPX script needs access to the same locations as the service will be running as ( and have the same envoriment variables ) You can do that by downloading PSTools and running psexec
PsExec.exe -s -i cmd.exe
and in the new window that opens, just follow the guides for linux/mac, for instance, for installing the servvice, run
npx -y @openiap/nodeagent
Run this to clean npx cache
npm cache clean --force
npx clear-npx-cache
test running in console
npx -y @openiap/nodeagent -service
To remove service
npx -y @openiap/nodeagent -uninstall
To remove service, and remove from system
npx -y @openiap/nodeagent -uninstall
npx clear-npx-cache
To re-install service
npx -y @openiap/nodeagent -uninstall
npx clear-npx-cache
npx -y @openiap/nodeagent
When a package gets published from vs.code it should have these fields in your package.json
"openiap": {
"language": "nodejs",
"typescript": true,
"daemon": false,
"chromium": false
- language - tell the agent what runtime to use when executing the code
- typescript - not used at the moment, but is intented to be used when typescrip has not been compiles and is run using node-ts
- daemon - is used by the agent and openflow to determine if this is a never ending process ( like something listning on a port, or waiting on events )
- chromium - used by openflow to control what packages to show for an agent. Will only allow this package to run on agents that has an chrome or chromium browser.
You can also add a map of ports you will be listening on
"openiap": {
"ports": [
{"port": 3000, "portname": "web", "protocol": "TCP", "web": true}
if port is left empty, and random free port will be used. If port is already in use, a new free port number will be used, and injected as an envoriment variable into the host using the portname So in above example an envoriment variable named "web" will contain the value of the port the package should use.
protocol and web is not used right now.
- protocol is used when support for UDP has been added.
- web is intented to be used when agents gets support for sharing the same port between multiple packages using a common webserver.