Utility for converting between country and region codes
Convert country/region codes
A utility for converting between country/region codes. We currently support 6 schemes:
Plaintext English'icao'
International Civil Aviation Organization'iso2'
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (link)'iso3'
ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 (link)'flag'
Emojis 🇦🇪 🇪🇸 🇸🇬 🇲🇵 🇳🇱'phone'
Prefixes for international dialing (link)
npm install @opengovsg/countries-regions-codes
provides a chained API:
import { convert } from '@opengovsg/countries-regions-codes'
convert('SGP').from('icao').to('iso2') // 'SG'
Schemes don't always have 1-1 mappings. In such cases, we support many-to-one mappings as expected
// United States Minor Outlying Islands
convert('UM').from('iso2').to('icao') // 'USA'
// United States
convert('US').from('iso2').to('icao') // 'USA'
and choose a sensible default for one-to-many mappings. Where ambiguous, we choose the territory with a larger population. The full list of alternates can be seen here
convert('USA').from('icao').to('name') // 'United States'
Where a scheme has no representation for an option provided by another scheme, we throw an error.
// Refugee (Status) exists in icao but not iso2
convert('XXB').from('icao').to('iso2') // throws
Additionally, if you require the full enums, e.g. to use in a validator / to iterate over with your own logic, you can access them as a de-duped, sorted list:
import { schemes } from '@opengovsg/countries-regions-codes'
console.log(schemes.icao) // ['AFG', 'ALB', 'AZM', ...]
console.log(schemes.iso2) // ['AF', 'AL', 'AS', ...]
Array items in schemes
and return type from convert()
are strongly-typed thanks to type-narrowing.
const possiblePhonePrefix: string = '+66'
const wellTypedIso3 = convert(possiblePhonePrefix).from('phone').to('iso3')
// TS complains - wellTypedIso3 is known to be 'AFG' | 'ALB' | 'AZM' ...
if (wellTypedIso3 === 'Thailand')