OpenCensus Trace Context format propagation for the web browser based on B3 format
OpenCensus B3 format propagation for web browsers
For overview and usage info see the main OpenCensus Web readme.
OpenCensus B3 format propagation provides utilities to serialize and deserialize a trace context header in the B3 Format format.
The library is in alpha stage and the API is subject to change.
Currently the primary intended usage of OpenCensus Web is to collect spans from the resource timing waterfall of an initial page load and trace on-page user interactions with a series of features like automatic tracing for clicks and route transitions, custom spans, and browser [Performance API][performance-api] data. See the OpenCensus Web readme for details.
This is used to propagate trace contextspans for XHRs in the user interactions,
serializing a B3
headers to send along to XHR calls.
It gets passed as an option to the startTracing
function as follows:
// Use @opencensus/web-instrumentation-zone-peer-dep instead in case your app
// already uses `Zone.js`.
import { startTracing } from '@opencensus/web-instrumentation-zone';
import { B3Format } from '@opencensus/web-propagation-b3';
window.ocAgent = 'https://example.com/my-opencensus-agent-endpoint';
window.ocSampleRate = 1.0; // Sample at 100% for test only. Default is 1/10000.
// Send the trace header to all hosts.
window.ocTraceHeaderHostRegex = /.*/;
// This methods starts the tracing and exports the initial page load trace.
// As the tracing has started, the coming user interactions ares also traced.
startTracing({ propagation: new B3Format() });
Useful links
- For more information on OpenCensus, visit: https://opencensus.io/
- For more about OpenCensus Web: https://github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-web
- For help or feedback on this project, join us on gitter
Apache 2.0 - See LICENSE for more information.