Simple JavaScript library to wrap the OpenActive JSON-LD representation of SKOS.
Simple JavaScript library to wrap the OpenActive JSON-LD representation of SKOS.
Compatible Platforms and Browsers
SKOS.js will run on any version of Node.js, and is built to use CommonJS so can be built with Webpack and Browserify.
SKOS.js has been tested on IE 9 and above without transpilation or polyfills, and all other major browsers.
SKOS.js does not have any runtime dependencies. It is written natively in ES5.
As a library
Simply install using npm:
$ npm install @openactive/skos --save
Now you can begin using it on either the client or server side.
var skos = require('@openactive/skos');
// returns an array of the names of all types of Yoga
var response = request('GET', 'https://openactive.io/activity-list', { headers: { accept: 'application/ld+json' } });
if (response && response.statusCode == 200) {
var activityListJsonObject = JSON.parse(response.getBody('utf8'));
var scheme = new skos.ConceptScheme(activityListJsonObject);
return scheme.getConceptByLabel('Yoga').getBroaderTransitive().map(concept => concept.prefLabel);
In the browser
See the live demo.
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@openactive/skos/dist/skos.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$.getJSON('https://openactive.io/activity-list/activity-list.jsonld', function(activityListJsonObject) {
var scheme = new skos.ConceptScheme(activityListJsonObject);
var labels = scheme.getConceptByLabel('Yoga').getNarrowerTransitive();
$.each(labels, function(index, concept) {
$('#activity-list').append($('<p>', {
text: concept.prefLabel
API Reference
Note this library is written in ES5 to provide client-side compatibility without requiring transpiling. It has been tested on IE9 upwards.
- skos
- ~ConceptScheme
- new ConceptScheme(scheme, [id], [filter])
- .getConceptByID(id) ⇒ Concept
- .getConceptByLabel(label) ⇒ Concept
- .getAllConcepts() ⇒ Array
- .getAllConceptsByID() ⇒ Array
- .getAllConceptsByLabel() ⇒ Object
- .getTopConcepts() ⇒ Array
- .getJSON() ⇒ Object
- .toString() ⇒ String
- .generateSubset(filter) ⇒ ConceptScheme
- ~Concept
- new Concept(concept)
- instance
- .getNarrower() ⇒ Array
- .getNarrowerTransitive() ⇒ Array
- .getBroader() ⇒ Array
- .getBroaderTransitive() ⇒ Array
- .getRelated() ⇒ Array
- .equals(concept) ⇒ boolean
- .toString() ⇒ String
- .getJSON() ⇒ Object
- static
- .compare(a, b) ⇒ Integer
- ~ConceptScheme
Kind: inner class of skos
Access: public
- ~ConceptScheme
- new ConceptScheme(scheme, [id], [filter])
- .getConceptByID(id) ⇒ Concept
- .getConceptByLabel(label) ⇒ Concept
- .getAllConcepts() ⇒ Array
- .getAllConceptsByID() ⇒ Array
- .getAllConceptsByLabel() ⇒ Object
- .getTopConcepts() ⇒ Array
- .getJSON() ⇒ Object
- .toString() ⇒ String
- .generateSubset(filter) ⇒ ConceptScheme
new ConceptScheme(scheme, [id], [filter])
ConceptScheme constructor.
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | scheme | Object | Array | Either a JSON ConceptScheme object OR Array of Concepts | | [id] | String | The scheme id, only required if an array is provided for scheme | | [filter] | Object | Array | Filter of ids to be included in the ConceptScheme. Values in the object literal must be true or contain an object of keys which can be assigned on each resulting Concept. Prefer generateSubset() for most use cases. |
// returns Concept for American Football
var activityListJsonObject = JSON.parse(response.getBody('utf8'));
var scheme = new skos.ConceptScheme(activityListJsonObject);
return scheme.getConceptByID('https://openactive.io/activity-list#9caeb442-2834-4859-b660-9172ed61ee71');
// returns ConceptScheme for a provided custom subset of the Activity List
var activityListConceptArray = myApiResult.items;
var scheme = new skos.ConceptScheme(activityListConceptArray, 'https://openactive.io/activity-list');
return scheme;
conceptScheme.getConceptByID(id) ⇒ Concept
Get Concept by ID
Kind: instance method of ConceptScheme
Returns: Concept - the Concept, or null if no matching concept exists
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | id | String | The id of the Concept |
// returns Concept for American Football
var scheme = new skos.ConceptScheme(activityListJsonObject);
return scheme.getConceptByID('https://openactive.io/activity-list#9caeb442-2834-4859-b660-9172ed61ee71');
conceptScheme.getConceptByLabel(label) ⇒ Concept
Get Concept by prefLabel / altLabel
This will return a case-sensitive exact match based on the prefLabel and altLabel
Kind: instance method of ConceptScheme
Returns: Concept - the Concept, or null if no matching concept exists
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | label | String | The label of the Concept |
// returns Concept for American Football
var scheme = new skos.ConceptScheme(activityListJsonObject);
return scheme.getConceptByLabel('American Football');
conceptScheme.getAllConcepts() ⇒ Array
Return an array of all concepts in the scheme.
Kind: instance method of ConceptScheme
Returns: Array - an array of Concept
conceptScheme.getAllConceptsByID() ⇒ Array
Return a map of all concepts in the scheme, keyed by ID. This can be useful to power autocomplete dropdowns.
Kind: instance method of ConceptScheme
Returns: Array - an map of Concept by ID
conceptScheme.getAllConceptsByLabel() ⇒ Object
Return a map of all concepts in the scheme, keyed by altLabel and prefLabel. This can be useful to power autocomplete dropdowns.
Kind: instance method of ConceptScheme
Returns: Object - a map of Concept by altLabel / prefLabel
conceptScheme.getTopConcepts() ⇒ Array
Return an array of the top concepts in a hierarchical scheme.
Kind: instance method of ConceptScheme
Returns: Array - an array of Concept
conceptScheme.getJSON() ⇒ Object
Return the original JSON object representing the ConceptScheme.
Kind: instance method of ConceptScheme
Returns: Object - a JSON object
conceptScheme.toString() ⇒ String
Return a string rendering the ConceptScheme as Markdown.
Kind: instance method of ConceptScheme
Returns: String - a Markdown string
conceptScheme.generateSubset(filter) ⇒ ConceptScheme
Generate ConceptScheme subset
The subset will be generated to include all broader Concepts of any of those included in the filter, and will have pruned any references to related Concepts that are not included in the resulting subset.
Kind: instance method of ConceptScheme
Returns: ConceptScheme - the ConceptScheme subset
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | filter | Object | Array | Filter of ids to be included in the ConceptScheme. Values in the object literal must be true or contain an object of keys which can be assigned on each resulting Concept. |
// returns ConceptScheme subset of just Pole Vault and its broader concepts (Athletics)
var scheme = new skos.ConceptScheme(activityListJsonObject);
return scheme.generateSubset(['https://openactive.io/activity-list#5df80216-2af8-4ad3-8120-a34c11ea1a87']);
// returns ConceptScheme subset of just Pole Vault and its broader concepts (Athletics), including metadata attached to Pole Vault.
var scheme = new skos.ConceptScheme(activityListJsonObject);
return scheme.generateSubset({'https://openactive.io/activity-list#5df80216-2af8-4ad3-8120-a34c11ea1a87': {'ext:metadata': 34}});
Kind: inner class of skos
- ~Concept
- new Concept(concept)
- instance
- .getNarrower() ⇒ Array
- .getNarrowerTransitive() ⇒ Array
- .getBroader() ⇒ Array
- .getBroaderTransitive() ⇒ Array
- .getRelated() ⇒ Array
- .equals(concept) ⇒ boolean
- .toString() ⇒ String
- .getJSON() ⇒ Object
- static
- .compare(a, b) ⇒ Integer
new Concept(concept)
Concept class.
A wrapper for the SKOS Concept JSON object
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | concept | Object | A Concept JSON object |
concept.getNarrower() ⇒ Array
Get an array of immediately narrower concepts.
Kind: instance method of Concept
Returns: Array - an array of Concept
// returns only the types of Yoga that are one level below "Yoga"
var scheme = new skos.ConceptScheme(activityListJsonObject);
return scheme.getConceptByLabel('Yoga').getNarrower();
concept.getNarrowerTransitive() ⇒ Array
Get an array of all narrower concepts following transitivity (all children).
Kind: instance method of Concept
Returns: Array - an array of Concept
// returns all type of Yoga
var scheme = new skos.ConceptScheme(activityListJsonObject);
return scheme.getConceptByLabel('Yoga').getNarrowerTransitive();
concept.getBroader() ⇒ Array
Get an array of immediately broader concepts.
Kind: instance method of Concept
Returns: Array - an array of Concept
// returns only the next level up in the hierarchy
var scheme = new skos.ConceptScheme(activityListJsonObject);
return scheme.getConceptByLabel('Yoga').getBroader();
concept.getBroaderTransitive() ⇒ Array
Get an array of all broader concepts following transitivity (all parents).
Kind: instance method of Concept
Returns: Array - an array of Concept
// returns all the higher level categories above Yoga
var scheme = new skos.ConceptScheme(activityListJsonObject);
return scheme.getConceptByLabel('Yoga').getBroaderTransitive();
concept.getRelated() ⇒ Array
Get an array of related concepts.
Kind: instance method of Concept
Returns: Array - an array of Concept
concept.equals(concept) ⇒ boolean
Return true if two Concepts are equal and of the same type. If a raw JSON Concept is supplied it is coerced into a Concept object.
Kind: instance method of Concept
Returns: boolean - representing whether the two Concepts are equal
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | concept | Concept | Concept to compare |
concept.toString() ⇒ String
Return the prefLabel of the Concept.
Kind: instance method of Concept
Returns: String - a JSON string
concept.getJSON() ⇒ Object
Return the original JSON object representing the Concept.
Kind: instance method of Concept
Returns: Object - a JSON object
Concept.compare(a, b) ⇒ Integer
Compare two Concepts based on prefLabel, for use with native .sort()
Kind: static method of Concept
Returns: Integer - representing which should be sorted above the other
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | a | Concept | Concept A | | b | Concept | Concept B |
var sortedConcepts = concepts.sort(skos.Concept.compare);