OpenACI HTTP Library
Application Conversational Interfaces (ACIs) introduce a new paradigm, in a way comparable to what GraphQL was for RPC or RESTful APIs, but in this case proposing something entirely different to replace the term “API”.
We can enumerate a few radically different points when compared to APIs:
ACIs don't have a fixed or pre-established contract, schema, methods or a precise workflow. They are intent-based rather than procedural call-based.
These interfaces put humans as the main consumer, without making a distinction whether they are end-users or developers.
With the previous point in mind, accessibility is an important aspect of ACIs. Not only for inclusivity but also for convenience. ACIs are multi-language and multi-modal.
As LLMs continue evolving and AI agents perform better at reasoning, they will also qualify as consumers of ACIs. In this sense, we can iterate over the concept and think of a consumer as anybody capable of interacting with these interfaces using natural language.
Reached this point, LLM-backed clients would interact with ACIs almost autonomously. This would enable a scenario of distributed multi-agentic systems.
Quick Start
npm install @openaci/http zod
// main.js
import { HttpAci } from '@openaci/http';
import { z } from 'zod';
const app = new HttpAci({ llmName: 'gpt-4o-mini' });
const schema = z.object({
name: z.string(),
app.intent('Convert name to base64', schema, async ({ entities }) => {
const { name } = entities;
return Buffer.from(name).toString('base64');
node main.js
curl -XPOST http://localhost:3000 -d "How does my name look like in base64? It's John"
Your name "John" in base64 is: Sm9obg==
curl -XPOST http://localhost:3000 -d "Write a JSON document with `code: {base64 of 'OpenACI'}`"
curl -XPOST http://localhost:3000 -d "Show me an ascii table with the base64 representation of these names: John Connor, Sarah Connor, Kyle Reese"
| Name | Base64 |
| John Connor | Sm9obiBDb25ub3I= |
| Sarah Connor | U2FyYWggQ29ubm9y |
| Kyle Reese | S3lsZSBSZWVzZQ== |