Common tasks for Mrm
Preset for mrm to keep the project configuration files in-sync and consistent across various projects.
What is MRM?
You might be curious to know what the heck is MRM?
MRM is a command line tool to scaffold new projects. But instead of just creating the initial set of files, it has powerful utilities to update them as well.
For better explanation, I recommend reading this article by the project author.
What is MRM Preset?
This module is a custom preset of tasks for MRM and is used by several projects by the Open-Xchange UI Team.
How to use
For node projects you can use the following alias to run all tasks listed under supported tasks (except for release-it)
npx mrm --preset=@open-xchange/mrm-preset node
or just one of the tasks:
npx mrm --preset=@open-xchange/mrm-preset <taskname>
Supported tasks
- release-it: Adds release-it configuration with helm chart, keep-a-changelog and autochangelog support
- package: Creates/updates package.json
- license: Adds license file as specified in package.json
- readme: Adds README.md file
- editorconfig: Adds .editorconfig with our defaults
- gitignore: Adds common .gitignore
- eslint: Adds standard.js eslint rules and up-to-date devDependencies to package.json
- lint-staged: installs lint-staged pre-commit hook and devDependencies
- gitlab-ci: Adds .gitlab-ci.yml with current building blocks